Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tpms Honda Pilot 2005

Chechnya is a nation that is trying to be submitted by Russia for centuries. Have only been brief and broken truces in this story that perhaps has its iconic landmark in the deportation of more than half a million Chechens to Siberia by Stalin in 1944, accusing them of collaboration with the German troops. But the situations that have to bear these people respond to Russian imperialism, once the czars, then with the Soviets and now with a semblance of democracy, continue to make feasible an agreement with Chechnya.

If we consider terrorism to the military actions that are committed to create panic among civilians and so advance political objectives, it is true that different nations and groups will have been practicing for several reasons. But the perspective is skewed if this analysis is not incorporated in terrorist violence by states, that having international political legitimacy, presenting their actions in response to the infinite evil of certain groups, especially Muslims. The reality is that terrorist acts are perpetrated more often by states rather than by the rebels or resistant.

Recent attacks on Russian civilians undertaken by the Chechen resistance, as any act that is directed against civilians away from immediate responsibilities, is reprehensible, but this should not lead happily lose sight of what is happening in different latitudes, where a long or recently translated imperialism because of the state, is through to act more reprehensible than it tries to control. So when we talk about terrorism, it is essential to contextualize the events, because they are the tip of an iceberg that official data intentionally hidden.

Russia is a democracy, is marked by an authoritarian and monarchical line that for centuries has spread the good or bad throughout its area of \u200b\u200binfluence. The Caucasus, the ancestral home of the Chechens and other peoples, has been and will be coveted by the Russian Empire, which but no longer has czars or supreme soviets, has now Putin, former KGB chief and heir to the political dynasty, suspected of the crime of Polikovskaya journalist in 2006. It is no coincidence that his second, Russian President Dmitri Medvedev has said that it is necessary to stab and twist the head to the perpetrators of the attacks (Umarov, the 'emir' of the Caucasus, the country April 1, 2010).

oppression So we see that in many cases leads to ultra-violent reactions, and that there are acts that appear out of nowhere, but are the result of a long process of confrontation and a recent history in the nineties Chechnya , then the breakup of the Soviet Union, sought their independence by refusing to sign the statute promoted by Russia, which set a number of powers to the republics, but always under the tutelage of the Russian central government. The Chechens were invaded, resulting in two wars and massacres that took the lives of hundreds of thousands of locals and thousands of Russians, then no stable peace and negotiations finally accepted by Russia resulted in viable agreements.

Putin chooses to place this achievement, which comes from centuries ago, in the context of the global war against Muslim terrorism, which in Western eyes give him standing to act against those who want to impose a global caliphate, when reality is that before that several Islamic countries they are looking for the invaders to withdraw from their territories and stop control its resources. So before you formalize that referred to global war, which it is questionable from the ground, so no compression approach Manichean reality. The opposite is to justify atrocities such as occupation of Iraq, which has produced more than a million dead.

A key difference of terrorism. Some are those born into a society with the aim of destroying it because in his view all the successful organization is the source of the oppression of more for less, usually this is from a perspective political-intellectual disability and abject fundamentalism that only deepens the differences. Others are those that arise as a result of blatant injustices such as occupation, conquest and plunder of wealth nations have and are coveted, but the conquerors, always good, also drink from the source of fundamentalism that takes such actions as necessary and even saviors of mankind. Then look at how and why the violence in order to generate a closer look at what the powers that be intended to see how a simple war between good and evil. Alexandro

2 April 2010


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