Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Are Lightsworns Still Good 2011

INEN Cancer and the king made in Canada

Recent adverse events produced at the NIE, which have affected the health of many children, are useful to focus on what is happening to this institution and the problem of cancer in the country. Unfortunately the fate of this instance is linked to the actions of one person: Carlos Vallejos Sologuren, former Minister of Health. It is therefore appropriate to recall that a few days before the takeover of Alan Garcia in 2006 and Vallejos the insured portfolio, got Congress to adopt the rule that made the INEN in OPD, which in practice gives great autonomy in relation to the health authority.

Vallejos After that assumes the Ministry of Health and one of the first acts of his administration was to repeal the regulation of clinical trials approved under the previous government, and establishing undoubted progress in relation to these practices, such as requiring protection and adequate information to patients against possible adverse consequences of testing in their bodies. The fact behind this action is that ministry Vallejos, as seen in the register of researchers from the National Institute of Health, is one of the leading physicians who develops clinical trials in the country and directly affected by regulations. It is a conflict of interest that shows how far the influence of the pharmaceutical industry, which would be paying the same amount of money raised INEN doctors for each patient that they capture for clinical trials, mostly poor and uninformed.

Closing the Ring

But the question is not there, but Vallejos is one of the main shareholders of ONCOSALUD, the largest insurer in the country against the risk of cancer. We see that the circuit of cancer in Peru is almost closed by a physician who is director of public institute specialized in the subject, while shareholder's largest private insurer in cancer. So, how easily it is understood that after being released from MINSA, Valle returned to the address of Endocrinology almost a tube, although there are serious allegations that include blocking inquiries into his management of this institution. Vallejos

defends at the NIE saying nobody is left unattended for lack of money. But it takes nothing more than spending a morning at the intersection of Aviation and Spring Avenues, to see how poor people sell their belongings to buy drugs or get a consultation in the Clinic of Endocrinology. For in many hospitals, which are at the NIE also operates a separate clinic to hospital, some doctors make a killing picking patients for a consultation or response faster as ONCOSALUD insurance affiliates, it is not surprising either that in these circumstances , have come to establishments that provide services related to cancer in the vicinity of Endocrinology that would be linked to staff working in this institute.

From a public health view, it is unacceptable has been exerting influence a person and his close group on the care and research for a disease that affects so many Peruvians and that involves a very expensive treatment, which most are not able to pay. Therefore it is necessary to determine the direct responsibility emanating from the application of drugs which have seriously affected the health of many children this week, and also investigate the actions and achievements as ONCOSALUD insurance, which is supposed to offer comprehensive protection against cancer. In this context, it is urgent to go to unravel the networks of influence that the King of cancer remain in the country and all who are making great health business outside the law and the law.

Detail: Clinical trials are tests that a person affected by an ailment is submitted, so that your body will try a new drug. In developed countries they are completely covered and adequately protected patients, which was intended to do in Peru but Vallejos did repeal the new rules.

Tip: When a few years ago a group of people we can get Cecilia Valenzuela director of Rear Window that was broadcast on Channel 2 to receive us, and we present the complaint documented on the repeal of the regulation, it paid no importance and argued that cancer was a very sensitive issue to address that.

Tip: Off record comments that ONCOSALUD very complicated cases considered lost, would medicating with placebos to spend no expensive drugs and maximize their profits as an insurer. Alexander Sack

April 17 2010


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