health reform achieved by Obama in the U.S. is of global implications, and highlights the constant struggle to gain access to health. As is known, this reform took almost seventy years postponed due to the interest sought to retain the current healthcare organization in the U.S.. Has been achieved in some measure to curb the intention to continue placing health as a market order, not only providing insurance to thirty-two million people, but modifying the conditions of insurance substantially more than two hundred million. Health is a public duty and as such state involvement in the provision, regulation or financing is essential, even more taking into account what happens when the State abdicates this obligation.
Sicko Michael Moore shows how the insurance companies in partnership with the pharmaceutical industry and medical sector organizations, led to the U.S. is the only industrialized country without a universal health access. After the reforms of the sixties that incorporated protection of vulnerable groups, the U.S. led to unacceptable abuse of insurers that sought to protect people against diseases. It is perverted and a health insurance system, but perhaps this situation will be inherent in the insurance when it becomes an end and not in the middle.
Trends access to health
There are two major trends to achieve health protection of the population. One is based on the insurance through public or private insurance that give members benefit packages. The problem with this trend is that emanates from the logic of insurance, which has as its basis the implementation of cost-benefit in their work. Private insurance logic, of course, seeks to minimize the possibility of allocating necessary resources to meet their commitments collects, whether medical or any kind. In turn the logic public insurer, fails to remove the focus moves such private foundations to provide the protection intended.
is no coincidence that the implementation of health insurance, as has been occurring in Peru, is restrictive and not comprehensive. The comprehensive health insurance or private insurance, provide care packages based on that never to be comprehensive and cover a small percentage of diseases in the U.S. private insurers restrict their obligations and created mechanisms to increase revenues at the expense of the needs of the people. Obama
So Obama's health care reform is directly related to the delayed health reform in Peru, as it marks the need to confront the private interests or bureaucratic union impeding progress toward real universal health care. It also shows that the reform should be led by the highest political level of the country or by the President of the Republic. Obama reform states that health needs are not an isolated issue but a global issue and civilization, in which countries around the world today are looking the way for equitable access.
Unlike what has happened in the U.S., a country in which the reform would continue with the help of insurance companies but with a much stronger state intervention to regulate private use abuse in Peru that is required is ensuring access to health but with minimal competition from private insurers, as they derive the expansion of access to health aberrations. We need to look in the mirror of Colombia, which has widened the focus on health through private insurers, a situation that has come to dismantle the network of public providers, in addition to providing comprehensive care packages and always never differentiated. And of course from the private perspective, these companies end of each budget year will require the government to increase funding threatened to paralyze the attention.
In Peru in good time the system has not been deepened and can be reversed. This model requires several targeted social safety-residual force since 1992, which sees health almost as an act of charity, and under which should prove to be poor to receive the benefit of the state. We must move towards a model of social protection based on social security, from which the state assumes its responsibilities gradually but irreversibly and provided comprehensive access to services is to be human. Bring it to health is to create a System Health Peru, where health authorities, as happens today in the U.S., to recover its regulatory authority, oversight and order on public and private, and health guide actors towards targets national health. Logic
There is no other logic than the public to ensure the right to health, which is one of the bases for the exercise of freedoms and human capabilities. Ably neoliberalism has hijacked the value of freedom to present as competition that is actually a plain where a ticket is loaded rifle or guarantee access to basic services, and the state should only care for those unable to fend for themselves because they have the guns loaded with money.
Others see freedom as the possibility of aspiring to achieve what we as humans choose to do with our lives and efforts, for which the minimum that is required is that the organization that belongs to all the State, work to create the conditions. The current political and economic model in Peru does not allow for reform that access to health means removing the restrictions under which we operate. It has paved the way possible in U.S. society, it is up to the Peruvians get on the wave that Obama is running to surf with our tables, looking to make this country vivivle and not one that fills the pockets health of some mobsters and other clever as that leads the presidential polls. Alexander Sack
March 23 2010
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