The relationship of health to work, there are two relevant fields: The access to health services via the employment status and the impact of work on health. Both areas are marked by the logic of development that states implement. Our country has not escaped the wave from the eighties has led to lower working conditions and this has influenced the two areas mentioned.
Labour and access to health services
Europe In the late nineteenth century, particularly in Germany, was designed based on which built social security systems, with tripartite participation and economic contribution: State , employers and workers. The latter thus gained access to a social protection especially in health and pensions. The influence of this model was made in the twentieth century in various countries, although the state was gradually restrict their contributions.
The current problem with this approach is that it assumes that there is a trend toward a formal labor market mainly, from which facilitates collecting contributions to provide access to health care workers. The reality of the second half of the twentieth century to the present day, proves the contrary: whenever there is a greater informality and is more difficult to capture the resources to build systems of access to health workers.
must then recognize that access to health in Peru will not give way labor formalization to generate the resources for it, so it is necessary to move towards increasing government funding, independent of personal remuneration and working conditions. EsSalud otherwise, that serves only formal workers, will continue to isolate itself from the huge labor force nationally. Thus we see that access to health services should not depend on employment status, but the status of citizen, but governments through targeting, deepen the differences parallel health systems strengthening.
Consequences of work on health
Considering we spend one third or more of our lives work, we can see the direct connection of this on our health. But not only physical issues and obvious, but in all the relations that exist within the institutions and that are related to the work environment. As in many other fields, Peru walks against the story to the protection of health.
Our rulers have no better idea to head to corporate and state responsibility, and has traveled the concept of Job Risk Working at Risk, which may sound similar but is quite different. This is because all work involves a greater or lesser risk to health, while if we choose the working definition of risk, only accepted that certain occupations are hazardous to health, which is an absurdity which is evident in that we are one of the few countries that apply this logic cropped.
What are the Risks of risk work or work?
In line with this, and distorting the universalism in the exercise of rights and freedoms, the legislator has called Complementary Insurance for Hazardous Work and government officials or insurance refer to the universalization of this as progress, when is the opposite. Firstly, because this insurance is only mandatory for a minimum layer of private sector, one in which there are "dangerous work", and therefore only would cover at best cases to a minimum proportion of workers in the country, only formal. Added to this, it should be noted that private insurance, it is clear that insurers will lower to the minimum possible coverage when damage occurs, which, as in other cases, add to the suffering and problems involved.
risks of work and its relationship to health in Peru have located an alarming rate among the highest in the world. Every day accidents and deaths occur, they become more visible in construction, generating disabilities against which the worker and his family are no viable future. But not only are accidents, but a series of situations both in formal as in informal, that create the conditions to have affected population health.
As in other fields of governmental and state work, these findings lead to hold that what it is to create conditions to reverse the pattern of targeted social protection and waste in the country is run, to move progressively but irreversibly to a logic in which the State put in front of humans. TBC
occupational disease: conditions that are performing health workers have reached levels that reflect the health crisis. While health facilities should help to heal what has been happening is that they have become sources of radiation disease. TB is now considered an occupational disease to health workers, as hundreds of them are infected with it in its various forms, being extremely resistant TB virtually incurable. Abuse
visible and invisible: you ever wondered why some of the major supermarket chains operating in the country, serving cashiers stops for hours without a chair or bench. Did you know that there are several companies engaged in agricultural exports accused of subjecting their workers to inhumane conditions prohibiting the toilet for hours and giving a few minutes for lunch and rest at work more than ten hours.
Detail: Working Supplemental Security Risk was created by Law 26790, Law for the Modernization of Social Security in Health and governed in accordance with the Standards of Supreme Decree No. 003-98 - SA from 14 April 1998, which replaces the Workers' Compensation Insurance and Occupational Diseases (SEGATEP) of Law 18,846. Alexander Sack
April 29 2010
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