Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How Much Profit From Katydid Candy

H1N1: Making a Run San Borja

More than a year of global alarm that caused the H1N1, as argued by many experts, it is clear that a fiction fabricated to benefit the pharmaceutical industry . From the beginning it felt out of place that the media would cover both a public health issue, given that there are other diseases that kill thousands a day and that is not possible to eliminate the lack of resources to create medicine: diseases of the poor.

The situation unleashed, dragged or even may have originated with the collaboration of WHO, this organization has announced the launch of an external investigation to determine the degree of responsibility that had, in response to the complaint of the British Medical Journal. The same should be raised for the ministries of health that they were carried not required to procure vaccines, following the initiative of the Council of Europe.

To declare a pandemic of H1N1, with all that that entails for regional and national health systems, WHO had to change in the classification, went to measure the magnitude of a pandemic for the deaths, to be based on amount from countries where cases are detected. In that context at all clear, it should be noted that the former head of WHO's epidemiological department when avian flu was in 1997, then became chief executive of Novartis (Interview with Wolfgang Wodarg, Chairman of the Committee on Health Council of Europe, the newspaper l'Humanite). This and other data may explain why the amount spent by the states to buy the vaccine for H1N1 would flow so fast, only in Peru the MOH procured vaccines for about sixty million dollars.

As shown, springs to expedite decisions on public health issues are activated rapidly when commercial interests manage to create a fictional reality with the help of the media. A year ago this flu was presented almost as a matter of survival of the species when we can argue with evidence today that there was no catastrophe. Only seasonal influenza causes ten times more deaths per year than was the H1N1. This virtual blackmail, has led to the vaccine was applied in children, without taking specific studies on the subject (Interview with Gianni Tognoni - Agency Network of South), and has also many countries do not know what to do with millions of vaccines are stored. All this confirms that it planned a global manipulation, and that a similar repeat in the future with any other alarm is not supported but economically sensible.

13 000 children

contrasts in health strengthen the hypothesis of the production of the pandemic. In the year Peru has about seven thousand deaths of infants who fail a month of life, and thirteen thousand children under one year (UNICEF estimates - Mario Tavera) winter in the high Andean annually kills hundreds of children, many more than that H1N1 could, there are about forty thousand registered cases of TB, and our country one of the few in which there is the extremely tough, dengue fever can not be eliminated and in some areas and is endemic; EsSalud has shortages of drugs for HIV, and it could add the forgotten disease in Africa or other areas, and seeing the absurdity that was the campaign and spending to prevent H1N1. Industry


This approach allows one of the key issues in relation to health: the influence of the pharmaceutical industry (or insurers) in the training and decisions of actors that operate in the health field . This industry gets into the minds of health professionals, especially doctors, since the beginning of university education by assuming the cost of holidays, books, walks, so that progressively adjusting mentally to the future professionals (students: between academia and fragile market maelstrom. Fernando Cornejo León - Drugs today). Once in the exercise of the profession or in key positions, the influence becomes less subtle and grows into perks like trips to specialist courses, and other more direct forms of accommodation.

It is therefore necessary that WHO and the relevant authorities at national and supranational levels, take appropriate measures to further generate the events that allowed collective panic against the H1N1. With the objective to lessen the influence exerted on the industry decisions at different levels of public health there health just "public" in this field because what matters is the logic from which to make decisions and implement actions. The public has to do with it all, regardless of economic status, cultural, geographical. It is contradictory to say the least, this field is so easily manipulated by the private logic, which can be useful for other areas but not for health. Alexander Sack

June 10 2010


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