Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Caterpillar Costume For Alice In Wonderland

MVLL friend of Israel

MVLL in his latest article reiterates its friendship with Israel, accepting that every day it is more difficult to do especially because of the disgust that causes the current government. Others are friends of all nations and peoples of the world but not of states or ideologies from its structure or thought try to annul, corner or drive those defined as enemies or non-viability gradually disappearing. In that sense, I am a friend of the State or the successive governments of Israel, and Zionist extremism which seeks to consolidate the great Israel over all of Palestine, and neither am no friend of state and governments of China, many of which are declared liberal pseudo fans, or Iran, or Morocco, or Russia, or many other states and governments that prevent life worthy of other nations or minorities.

MVLL said today that Israel remains a democratic country, but says something like, even if it is for the Arabs that Israeli society is for absolutely free and is engaged in the critique of power unknown in the Middle East and in many Western countries . Interestingly MVLL accept that Israeli society does not recognize equal rights for Arabs and Palestinians, Jews, evidence of their friendship should be that someone like him can argue that a society is democratic only for some and not others. That is not feasible, so others could say that this or that country has democracy, but it is for some. A democracy does not hold a job for more than forty years, or exercise such power on the busy condemning it to a slow death, in the words of MVLL. That is, it is possible to recognize the atrocities of friends, but guaranteed at least maintain that this is done from a democracy, because that way the meaning of democracy is perverted.

The slaughter in the Mavi Marmara, which MVLL called assault, appears to be a turning point, even vague, but that could mean no return to status quo. Maybe it's because the world has been accustomed pelestinos dying to see part of the landscape almost as informative, it explains that the operation Lead Cast of early 2009, in which thousands of Palestinians massacred many of whom were killed and more wounded, and demonstrated the use of such white phosphorus, it has outraged world opinion so much as the attack on the Freedom Flotilla. Is that the fleet was not made only by Palestinians but by something like an outside world that opposes the occupation for decades and that the flotilla was represented. Lamentable check, which makes it clear that it requires a global political continuity which becomes a counterweight to the Zionist lobbies.

While as stated MVLL, Israel exists in a minority of fairness, the use of the Holocaust and making anti-Semitism to justify acts of occupation seems to have created in most of Israeli society a crust that makes them impervious to the reality of its neighbors, in the words of MVLL to continue and condemn the Palestinians to disappear. And again the question, you can be friends with a state sentence on a nation to disappear, or MVLL though it says can not express what he thinks because he fears that the Zionist outpost declare openly anti-Semitic, one more of those who criticize the actions of the State of Israel. Is that this is finally the big trick Zionism, see ghosts where there are anti-Semitic massacres justified, seeing conspiracies where the Islamo fascists that there is an ethnic cleansing that conceals a human and a half million in jail and another twelve thousand in the territory of Israel, not to accept any criticism because it can only respond to a hidden anti-Semitism in the cells of almost all nations of the world. This absorbed

perception of reality, makes Noan Chomski is prevented from entering to deliver a lecture in the West Bank or in the Israeli parliament some Arab MKs have to be removed security protection before hitting the extremists, or that a group of Israeli singers We are using the the world to justify the slaughter at sea. Hence there is dead wrong for the government of Israel to manipulate the company and until recently the global view. MVLL wonder: if the righteous were in power in Israel? Did Yitzhak Rabin was one of them, but the hand akin to Zionism ended with the window for peace. If there is any desire for peace, long ago would have been content, not easier, to the most fanatical that settlements built on confiscated territories to Palestinians.

Grave is how a state and its successive governments have the opportunity to become the Jewish people to legitimately continue to illuminate the world in a contradiction of freedom covered in convoluted justifications. Is symptomatic to note that many still prefer to take care of their words to avoid being branded as anti-Semitic, and instead of condemning piracy and state terrorism, preferring to spin on the fire to see if a gust contributes to lower the flames. For all the respect you deserve the people of Israel and just to stir anti-Semitism that many use, the ideal is to identify and begin to put things in their proper level. So it is to funny that there is a sentence in the Security Council of the UN to Israel at the Freedom Flotilla, but Iran is condemned for the alleged nuclear arsenal, when the only really existing nuclear arsenal and the Middle East operating Israel possesses what can be activated by the likes of Lieberman.

Some details:

Hamas exists and any step toward peace is impossible without recognition. Ironically, Hamas was born in the eighties as a result of the occupation.
not true that Hamas continues to pretend away to Israel, there have been several ceasefire agreements established between Hamas and Israel that were broken by Israel. Trading involves acknowledging the other.
The excuse of not having a valid partner of the Israeli blackmail, the bottom line is to stop the demise of a nation. Image

of a shirt worn by soldiers of the Israeli army, as some of the most moral in the world. Note the white on the belly of a Palestinian woman, killing two birds with one stone. Alexander Sack

June 13 2010


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