Wednesday, June 30, 2010

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What Does A Mountain Range Look Like

We must recognize that some had minimized the current organization and its ability walker political power has become more clear now. No doubt there are interests that are perceived to Sendero Luminoso (SL) in a magnitude higher than real, but that should not lead to a contemplative persist in the matter. The truth is that SL now aims to compete electorally and under certain facades disguise. This would happen, those convicted of terrorism at some point should be released, the matter is that the condemnations of 1992 to eighteen, twenty and twenty-five years it seemed they would never end, but the dates are already present. Does SL right to participate from the law in national politics?

That response is directly related to its ideology and methods that stem from it. Everything indicates that the ideology hiker, who like all fundamentalism is attributed to own revealed truth, is still intact. Applied terrorist methods now give way to a killer tactic does not mean that fundamentalism is shelved. Reading the statements of members of SL on the Internet and other means, it is clear that assume a military defeat but not politics, which means that at some point there will be new conditions for the resumption of the war popular.

And the issue with SL now is, basically, if everything comes into view this week favor Fujimori, right or other interests, the issue is that the fight against SL is independent of the above and unfortunately it can favor undesirable political actors, but this not be a reason for postponing the necessary fight against fundamentalism (such as counter shaft to freedom and the right) and its various expressions. Approaches do not support fundamentalism half, or may be waived by that one can be closer to our idea of \u200b\u200bthe policy are just such and never vary. Against them can not apply the criteria to which are attached the other social actors, but naked in his totalitarian pretensions.

is clear that the issue has been using SL to overshadow other issues such as the indiscriminate delivery of natural resources without which Peru is favored, the postponed reforms, corruption that reaches the very top leadership, and a long list topics slopes that do persist to a logic in which the rights are not universal but only for some. It would be wrong not to hide behind that to see that perhaps the organization has caused more damage to the country (especially the basic social fabric and by caricaturing the socialist proposal) has not abandoned its essence and so seeks to infiltrate back into any space delivered to you, or others who favor relativizing his presence. Confronting

SL involves analyzing not only their thinking, to condemn his actions and seek to bare their totalitarianism, also goes by fairly ask why the only Latin American country in which an organization born of these features is Peru. This sequential historical, social and economic results in the formation of the country as we know it into the second half of last century, is driving the emergence of an ossified thinking, which nevertheless manages to be the creek in several conscience and makes like no other on the ropes to the State. This search for explanation (not justification) is latent, because despite the unjustified and called insanity of SL, some young people today are attracted to this radical, which is not a radical one that leads to social development proposal, but is the negation of everything because nothing out of the light Gonzales can be worth maintained. They

reason those who report that they are trying to establish legal measures restricting the political participation of SL or other group which would limit its actions, because the regulation serves only to those who are governed by their rules, as in many other situations we have no strategy to guide us against the legitimate claims and electoral SL. This group does not need rules to follow or disobey, because not to believe in the democratic system (weak and conditioned, manipulated and relative), despises society and their relations, to which must be made to see the light of right thinking .

Bigger then the challenge of society and leaders of it, to locate the perspective that best allows derail the growth of SL. In good time the debate from the left is taking place, but he has again two visions: to prioritize the confrontation with SL because it is absolutely necessary, qualify the presence and organization of SL because it favors the interests behind benefit. Indicated it would strike a balance between the two, but in this as in so many other things, there is no agreement and will be favored to the right.

The organized left and the population that identifies itself with socialist approaches, should remember that SL is the biggest damage has been inflicted on the possibility of socialism is a major player in the political process from 1983 to Peru, because coming from the left (or at least be related in some issues with it) is relatively easy to create the partnership proposed by the hegemonic power that has created the sense common to left and SL are related or hands are distant cousins. In fact, there is no clear answer what to do now to finish to beat SL, but it is perceived that one of these actions is not necessary to relativize their presence and intentions, so that temporarily bring water to another mill. Alexandro

June 28 2010

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Gas Path and time

The extraction and export of gas, beyond the technical issues, it is useful to try to go a little further. The extraction driving this and other resources, they note that there are reserves for many years, in a nutshell that the gas is not going to stop. This statement presents the real magnitude which only takes a thought to this as the subject of the shares of the company. The gas (and all non-renewable natural resources) definitely going to end, to claim otherwise is nonsense. And it will end in a short time, almost in a blink of human evolution. Just

nonrenewable natural resources are defined and limited by its existence. If it is said that Peru should operate now and now only non-renewable resources, which in the end it does is refusing to supply to the generations after ours, but more serious is that the extractive, not beyond the immediate sentence humans to a reduced time horizon. That is, the indiscriminate extraction of natural resources is limited evidence of a way of seeing the world, consumer and off the past and the future.

was enough as some do not recognize the importance of harmonious development that seeks the general welfare rather than economic considerations based on manipulated statistics, now that same power would have us live in an eternal endless present. That's the only way to understand a logic that tells us tomorrow afternoon and evening, there is no option other than energy production at the expense of the Earth. Eternal Present

Time is a convention on. Western culture has constructed a time when the past is behind and the future ahead, being present only relevant, so you have to give all that is needed. It is therefore interesting to note other notions of time as that of some Andean villages where the past is ahead and the future behind; it because the past we can see, recognize from our eyes, knowing what has happened before while the future is behind us because we do not know what's coming, we can not see, just see when it becomes past.

This concept of time is similar to that Galileo was driving. When once, in his old age, asked how old he was, Galileo thought and said about seven. People were surprised, but Galileo explained that he had the years left of life, others, those who passed, he no longer belonged to, as were a mark on the water or air. And we could explore other conceptions of time to demonstrate the limitations of today as we deal with truth.

In this context, the rush by the exploitation of nonrenewable resources is rude, does not take into account either environmental sustainability or natural balance, but seeks to prevail for the sake of generating more wealth, wealth that we finally know where to stop, repeating sections of our history. On the other hand, it is obvious that if a human being (and the Earth is a living) will draw constantly, without pause, fluids or gases that holds within it, at some point such a response will have to be alive give: the case of any agency regardless of size. Consumerist logic assumes that the planet is an inert object, which sometimes results in laughter and others want to mourn.

So the recurring debate on mining, export, use or non-renewable natural resources is a symptom of the times, the supposed triumph of a way of conceiving the world in which the story ends, as one social scientist early nineties, so we must hurry, as if capitalism was the answer to the continuity of the species.

Five minutes without gas

Carl Sagan, that visionary who gave us the Cosmos, one of the chapters in this series, building a schedule: the first of January is the day when the universe began with the big bang . And so moving for months: in February galaxies are shaped, July the Milky Way is defined in the solar system was born in September, in November take their planets orbit. In December, the Earth is turning as it is. In mid-December in that great cosmic calendar, does matter become life-for the twenty-fifth day the waters are populated by creatures, the twenty dinosaurs disappear. We got to December 31, at eleven fifty-five of the night: the man and his ten thousand years on the planet occupy only those five minutes of the last day of the cosmic calendar. While some believe that one minute is not worth that much gas. Alexander Sack

June 24 2010

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A world in Africa had to show something different. The constant hum vuvuzelas and allow to observe regarding the way of understanding things. While the stadiums there are sounds of drums, horns, chants and even explosions, the vuvuzelas, which sound can reach thousands at a time, is different: do not stop for ninety minutes, so much so that neither the radio nor TV can hide their presence.

Some players and coaches continue to request that the organizers of South Africa in 2010 to ban their use in stadiums because disruptive; to this first response was doubtful but after blunt: vuvuzelas not prohibited because it is the in which South Africans are expressed to watch football in stadiums, respect our culture, "said the official spokesman. While it makes sense for his defense, this fact brings us closer to the limits of multiculturalism, which manifests itself in many fields.

removing idolatry

To our societies find it abhorrent that other promote early sexual initiation of puberty (ours does not promote it openly, but occurs in secret), until there are examples of communities in which the start male sexual with another man is chosen by the father. So what are the limits of an intercultural perspective must take certain acts to accept as legitimate. Should a culture accept that excised the clitoris of their women? It is clear that no, there other factors come into play that can not be taken only as cultural.

Thus, the intercultural approach could choose not to recognize as part of that culture, practices that violate either some members of a society unless the violence or damage will be borne by the subject voluntarily. The case of the battles with rocks and waves in the Andes, where many are injured, it is the product of a voluntary decision. But while these and other events have a legendary substrate and / or religious, there are cases in which under religion can to reap the life or health of persons.

In some castes in India it is customary that when the husband dies and is cremated, incinerated the woman chooses to live with her husband. Would be different if women should necessarily accompany the king to his grave. The issue is even more complex because in some subjects is indistinguishable whether there is a stated commitment to this or that practice, or if it determines via the social environment. What used to accept as a cultural practice or custom as to disqualify and to fight it? Metro

round of a practice so universal as soccer occurs in a conquered territory but not fully understood by the West, there is this clash. Africans can rightly say that is one thing and another the grandstand court, to show the triumph of Uruguay on South Africa. But football as a game but has the boundaries of the court, as an entity is the stadium, and not only this immediate reality, but the possibility that billions of humans continue the game in real time. (Actually, to me it bothers me that buzz watching the game.)

Perhaps football is one of the highest expressions of cultural fusion that exists today. On one side displays a sense of national identity where sometimes there is not Spain and six holders Barcelona) or strengthens existing ties weakened. On the other hand fill the enormous gaps that the immediacy and consumer culture permeate our actions, making them instantly irrelevant. The football on the irrelevance of human loneliness becomes the human relevance of the mass, that mass which many fear but it is expressed from time to time with events that transcend the sport.

The application of veto vuvuzelas something reminds us of the pride of the hegemonic culture, and good riddance the negative response of the Africans. While the organizers are able to remember those who intend to withdraw, that after more than two hundred million black slaves and a continent drawn from logic imperial, because no one has authority at this point to try to cut the way they feel football.

Africa and societies "undeveloped" will confront us with details and actions that modernity hides, grain, or simply unaware of doing to one side. The intercultural approach is recent and is taking steps that are not defined, put forward in some cases a structure (education, health) without assuming a worldview. Hereby acknowledge that there are different worlds on the planet and they are expressed from the very depths of each civilization. Our progress can be measured perhaps looking for basic principles. Alexander Sack

June 17 2010

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MVLL friend of Israel

MVLL in his latest article reiterates its friendship with Israel, accepting that every day it is more difficult to do especially because of the disgust that causes the current government. Others are friends of all nations and peoples of the world but not of states or ideologies from its structure or thought try to annul, corner or drive those defined as enemies or non-viability gradually disappearing. In that sense, I am a friend of the State or the successive governments of Israel, and Zionist extremism which seeks to consolidate the great Israel over all of Palestine, and neither am no friend of state and governments of China, many of which are declared liberal pseudo fans, or Iran, or Morocco, or Russia, or many other states and governments that prevent life worthy of other nations or minorities.

MVLL said today that Israel remains a democratic country, but says something like, even if it is for the Arabs that Israeli society is for absolutely free and is engaged in the critique of power unknown in the Middle East and in many Western countries . Interestingly MVLL accept that Israeli society does not recognize equal rights for Arabs and Palestinians, Jews, evidence of their friendship should be that someone like him can argue that a society is democratic only for some and not others. That is not feasible, so others could say that this or that country has democracy, but it is for some. A democracy does not hold a job for more than forty years, or exercise such power on the busy condemning it to a slow death, in the words of MVLL. That is, it is possible to recognize the atrocities of friends, but guaranteed at least maintain that this is done from a democracy, because that way the meaning of democracy is perverted.

The slaughter in the Mavi Marmara, which MVLL called assault, appears to be a turning point, even vague, but that could mean no return to status quo. Maybe it's because the world has been accustomed pelestinos dying to see part of the landscape almost as informative, it explains that the operation Lead Cast of early 2009, in which thousands of Palestinians massacred many of whom were killed and more wounded, and demonstrated the use of such white phosphorus, it has outraged world opinion so much as the attack on the Freedom Flotilla. Is that the fleet was not made only by Palestinians but by something like an outside world that opposes the occupation for decades and that the flotilla was represented. Lamentable check, which makes it clear that it requires a global political continuity which becomes a counterweight to the Zionist lobbies.

While as stated MVLL, Israel exists in a minority of fairness, the use of the Holocaust and making anti-Semitism to justify acts of occupation seems to have created in most of Israeli society a crust that makes them impervious to the reality of its neighbors, in the words of MVLL to continue and condemn the Palestinians to disappear. And again the question, you can be friends with a state sentence on a nation to disappear, or MVLL though it says can not express what he thinks because he fears that the Zionist outpost declare openly anti-Semitic, one more of those who criticize the actions of the State of Israel. Is that this is finally the big trick Zionism, see ghosts where there are anti-Semitic massacres justified, seeing conspiracies where the Islamo fascists that there is an ethnic cleansing that conceals a human and a half million in jail and another twelve thousand in the territory of Israel, not to accept any criticism because it can only respond to a hidden anti-Semitism in the cells of almost all nations of the world. This absorbed

perception of reality, makes Noan Chomski is prevented from entering to deliver a lecture in the West Bank or in the Israeli parliament some Arab MKs have to be removed security protection before hitting the extremists, or that a group of Israeli singers We are using the the world to justify the slaughter at sea. Hence there is dead wrong for the government of Israel to manipulate the company and until recently the global view. MVLL wonder: if the righteous were in power in Israel? Did Yitzhak Rabin was one of them, but the hand akin to Zionism ended with the window for peace. If there is any desire for peace, long ago would have been content, not easier, to the most fanatical that settlements built on confiscated territories to Palestinians.

Grave is how a state and its successive governments have the opportunity to become the Jewish people to legitimately continue to illuminate the world in a contradiction of freedom covered in convoluted justifications. Is symptomatic to note that many still prefer to take care of their words to avoid being branded as anti-Semitic, and instead of condemning piracy and state terrorism, preferring to spin on the fire to see if a gust contributes to lower the flames. For all the respect you deserve the people of Israel and just to stir anti-Semitism that many use, the ideal is to identify and begin to put things in their proper level. So it is to funny that there is a sentence in the Security Council of the UN to Israel at the Freedom Flotilla, but Iran is condemned for the alleged nuclear arsenal, when the only really existing nuclear arsenal and the Middle East operating Israel possesses what can be activated by the likes of Lieberman.

Some details:

Hamas exists and any step toward peace is impossible without recognition. Ironically, Hamas was born in the eighties as a result of the occupation.
not true that Hamas continues to pretend away to Israel, there have been several ceasefire agreements established between Hamas and Israel that were broken by Israel. Trading involves acknowledging the other.
The excuse of not having a valid partner of the Israeli blackmail, the bottom line is to stop the demise of a nation. Image

of a shirt worn by soldiers of the Israeli army, as some of the most moral in the world. Note the white on the belly of a Palestinian woman, killing two birds with one stone. Alexander Sack

June 13 2010

How Much Profit From Katydid Candy

H1N1: Making a Run San Borja

More than a year of global alarm that caused the H1N1, as argued by many experts, it is clear that a fiction fabricated to benefit the pharmaceutical industry . From the beginning it felt out of place that the media would cover both a public health issue, given that there are other diseases that kill thousands a day and that is not possible to eliminate the lack of resources to create medicine: diseases of the poor.

The situation unleashed, dragged or even may have originated with the collaboration of WHO, this organization has announced the launch of an external investigation to determine the degree of responsibility that had, in response to the complaint of the British Medical Journal. The same should be raised for the ministries of health that they were carried not required to procure vaccines, following the initiative of the Council of Europe.

To declare a pandemic of H1N1, with all that that entails for regional and national health systems, WHO had to change in the classification, went to measure the magnitude of a pandemic for the deaths, to be based on amount from countries where cases are detected. In that context at all clear, it should be noted that the former head of WHO's epidemiological department when avian flu was in 1997, then became chief executive of Novartis (Interview with Wolfgang Wodarg, Chairman of the Committee on Health Council of Europe, the newspaper l'Humanite). This and other data may explain why the amount spent by the states to buy the vaccine for H1N1 would flow so fast, only in Peru the MOH procured vaccines for about sixty million dollars.

As shown, springs to expedite decisions on public health issues are activated rapidly when commercial interests manage to create a fictional reality with the help of the media. A year ago this flu was presented almost as a matter of survival of the species when we can argue with evidence today that there was no catastrophe. Only seasonal influenza causes ten times more deaths per year than was the H1N1. This virtual blackmail, has led to the vaccine was applied in children, without taking specific studies on the subject (Interview with Gianni Tognoni - Agency Network of South), and has also many countries do not know what to do with millions of vaccines are stored. All this confirms that it planned a global manipulation, and that a similar repeat in the future with any other alarm is not supported but economically sensible.

13 000 children

contrasts in health strengthen the hypothesis of the production of the pandemic. In the year Peru has about seven thousand deaths of infants who fail a month of life, and thirteen thousand children under one year (UNICEF estimates - Mario Tavera) winter in the high Andean annually kills hundreds of children, many more than that H1N1 could, there are about forty thousand registered cases of TB, and our country one of the few in which there is the extremely tough, dengue fever can not be eliminated and in some areas and is endemic; EsSalud has shortages of drugs for HIV, and it could add the forgotten disease in Africa or other areas, and seeing the absurdity that was the campaign and spending to prevent H1N1. Industry


This approach allows one of the key issues in relation to health: the influence of the pharmaceutical industry (or insurers) in the training and decisions of actors that operate in the health field . This industry gets into the minds of health professionals, especially doctors, since the beginning of university education by assuming the cost of holidays, books, walks, so that progressively adjusting mentally to the future professionals (students: between academia and fragile market maelstrom. Fernando Cornejo León - Drugs today). Once in the exercise of the profession or in key positions, the influence becomes less subtle and grows into perks like trips to specialist courses, and other more direct forms of accommodation.

It is therefore necessary that WHO and the relevant authorities at national and supranational levels, take appropriate measures to further generate the events that allowed collective panic against the H1N1. With the objective to lessen the influence exerted on the industry decisions at different levels of public health there health just "public" in this field because what matters is the logic from which to make decisions and implement actions. The public has to do with it all, regardless of economic status, cultural, geographical. It is contradictory to say the least, this field is so easily manipulated by the private logic, which can be useful for other areas but not for health. Alexander Sack

June 10 2010

What Is The Name Of The Person Who Does Piercing

pandemic: buying life

One of the features of San Borja is the promotion of sport, symbolized primarily by what happens around called Pentagonito. There, thousands of people a week exercising the body in different ways. The success of the current municipal administration has been promoting that will improve the health of sanborjinos and people from other districts. San Borja and is certainly the benchmark for physical sport and especially to run, so much so that the major races and marathons that take place in the country a little Pentagon.

What appears is not a recent phenomenon. Those who live in San Borja of all life, and especially those who are near the Pentagonito, we run long before the fever broke out. In times of internal war, the perimeter of this facility military was surrounded by gates and restricted passage. There were some that ran on all day because the night was becoming dangerous. With the fall of subversive things began to change, and the community was slowly recovering this Really large space that you could only happen to someone so bland section as Antero Flores. Bagua


That moment happened recently was symbolic and was directly related to social protest in the country. So the residents of San Borja did not accept the protest that we had to prevent the sale of Pentagonito, has the same origin and is analogous to the protests of various indigenous peoples of the country requiring them and refuse to see private investment in their spaces. Because what happened in San Borja was that, a direct rejection of the intention to impose a huge investment to build the largest convention center in Lima on a green area administered by the military.

Exactly the same claim different communities in the country: to be consulted before a play and you are free to reject it if they so choose. The natives of the curve of the devil in Bagua expressed the same as protesting neighbors Avenue South San Borja. Unfortunately the average sanborjino neighbor does not understand or assume that relationship, and prioritizes reasons for rejecting, for example, the construction of Hospital Child, who in good hour there, or avoid having a stop light rail in South San Borja Aviation, which is an absurdity that caricatures the district.

not the way

return to our subject, perhaps it can be confusing and will be run as a purely aesthetic desire. While physical exercise influences the shape of our bodies, that is secondary. The substance is that sport, in this case the run, is a lifestyle, which claims to have a more balanced health. Sports about the unimaginable human limits from another practice, connecting the body with the essence of matter, where from what we know: the universe itself. Because that sounds exaggerated to some, the physical demands of the machine causes the body to function at full capacity, and in this endeavor there is more than the human bond with time and space. Buying life

promote sport is one of the riches provided by this district and that is radiating in Lima and in other regions. This situation was the result of individual wills that before the city prioritize its momentum, and toured one two three four or five times without stopping the 4.3 kilometer perimeter that has the Pentagonito. Policy makers would do well if they observe health to sport, not as an isolated incident of public health, but as a central aspect. While not everyone will be encouraged to play sports, at least those who do buy life without spending a sun, because at the end of the run is clear that the body knows who will live a little longer and better way.

But there are also other, those who believe that buying sportswear fashion when it comes to the world or the Olympics is enough to be athletes. Fortunately, the sport, in most cases, requires no expensive tools or modern technology but of will to look at every new opportunity to break what has been achieved in the previous. That is the essence, to overcome what happened yesterday; but this is not achieved in one leap, but slowly but steadily building up efforts at one point an opportunity to gain a new brand. Just as art, sport allows a separate entry to the routine of life, when you open a window cooled by breezes.

Now that world comes, at times it loses its essence and logic of consumption supplants sports competition. While in the football event in many sports is undeniable that there is a business side, the fact is that despite the enormous strength of this, the essence of the matter remains intact, and in the courts what prevails is the competition emanating from the game. Because the sport finally reminds us that things in this world are less complicated and complex than they would have us believe: we are in the midst of infinite games, sports some other not. Games grave and serious consequences in many cases, but in the end game. Alexander Sack

June 3 2010

Is There A Mouthpiece For People Who Wear Braces

global health dilemmas

just concluded in Geneva on 63 World Health Assembly, quoted in where all the states and different organizations and representative institutions. In his inaugural speech, Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General, raised some key issues that have direct bearing on the health situation in our country. One is the question of the limited capacity to regulate the prices of both drugs As private health services, which relates to the second issue raised: the necessary guidance towards the consolidation of health systems that prioritize the needs of people rather than special interests, avoiding duplication of functions that increase costs. Models

opposite: Alma - BM

can say that in the world there are two paradigms in relation to health. One which emanated from the Alma Ata in 1978, in which 137 states and 67 international organizations pledged to an ambitious goal: Health for All by the year 2000, this perspective had implications for the necessary care or primary health care for avoid disease. The other paradigm comes from the book published by the World Bank in 1993, Investing in Health, which correlate to Latin America Structured Pluralism is the document of 1997, which produced the impetus for reforms in recent decades. Following are the slogans of each model: health for all referred to the universal, while investing in health economics priority.

This dilemma is not resolved in relation to health and access to health services. While the World Bank promotes the formation of non-systemic health organizations, but fragmented on entering the market just for the atomization of services, universal power expressed in Alma Ata commitment shaping health systems, in which the State assumes its responsibility and guarantees in various ways the right to health. National health systems were formed mainly in the first decades of the twentieth century as in the case of Britain are examples of good performance. While the fragmented, appear in our region because of disorganization and instability unsurpassed in the twentieth century, which creates a theory and practice that leads to shape health markets.

Ordering System

It is therefore interesting that the Director General of WHO states: "There is waste of funds when regulatory systems fail to control prices and drug quality or cost of care in the private sector. " Although the reforms promoted by the World Bank introduced the logic of insurance and the prevalence of health economics, now that mold has been broken and re-emerges the need for systems to control the abuses of insurance, services private pharmaceutical, medical corporations. In Peru the real absence of a health system can, for example, that although the main clinical Lima organ trafficking have been discovered, nothing has happened relevant to the control, or pharmacy chains grow increasingly placing and preventing predatory pricing access to generics.

We are at a key moment in which two approaches are expressed. Apparently what is at issue is related to health, but this issue transcends the sector because it involves the way the state and governments relate to society. The World Bank model aims to subsidize the poor and hopefully end the poor, provided they prove their poverty and remain in it, because otherwise no longer receive the subsidy (the case of SIS in Peru). While the universalist side bet equal to the inhabitants of a country through a health system, which on one hand prevent the disease and the other meets the need for citizens whether poor or not, limiting the market for health is to guide the decisions.

Workers and employees

Peru has never build a health system, when social security was created to differentiate employed workers (Hospital Obrero, Hospital Employee), while the state moved charitable work than before had sanatoria or charities. Today, this logic continues to an alleged social security contributors (EsSalud) and nothing comprehensive packages for the poor ends via the SIS, while those who can go to private health services and better quality. So we have rich health for workers, unemployed and other for the poor. Thus the importance of having a health system, from which the State lessen the differences, renewing the focus of health policies to move from poverty allowance to civil right.

The country has an amazing distance in front of these issues being discussed in global forums. The media creates a bubble that we are held in debates in most cases insignificant. While the world discusses a key issue for social development and freedom, here we still believe that poverty is overcome with 229 soles a month. Overcoming poverty is to have access to universal health care and working the causes of the disease, since that work marks a forward direction of civilization. Alexander Sack

May 27 2010

Scooter Starts, Then Stops

Dr. Death or life

If human beings can not decide about the only thing that belongs to you, your life, then it is clear that there are entities that are doing everything possible to master the does not belong to either the State or religions. Thus, life must be thought from their autonomy, not from the unit. While suicide has a number of contentious issues in euthanasia or assisted dying in front of an illness, terminal or degenerative process, the value rises is that of freedom. Freedom to stop the human suffering and their loved ones, free to dispose the only thing that a creature possesses. Sectors

physicians opposing the freedom to die, they argue that medicine is a profession made to save lives because that is natural. The truth is that there is nothing more unnatural than opening the body to undergo a surgery to transplant organs or deliver drugs to the body. If you respect the natural process of life, then medicine and chemistry would be required to recognize unnatural origin. But at bottom it is the defense of life, but control over the will that science or religion, as usual, try to impose a post-modern societies.


was just released on HBO, the film presents the thinking and actions of the doctor Jack Kevorkian in the nineties in Michigan - USA. Kevorkian since the seventies wrote and did research on the right to a dignified death, in contrast to the puritanism of a large sector of the U.S. population. Created the machine called Thanatron, from which triggers a mechanism in which the patient self-administered chemical agents, resulting in sedation and death.

In three years one hundred and thirty human beings came to Kevorkian for the action of his inventions. Before the final decision, the doctor informed about the process and to avoid legal problems in the video was recorded the patient's wishes to end his suffering. As expected Kevorkian was taken several times a Michigan court accused of helping terminally ill patients die, trials in which evidence was not guilty. But Kervorkian is not only a doctor but a great intellect provocative, leading him to confront even more to science and religion. Thus, an achievement that is broadcast on national television via the program 60 Minutes on CBS, the video in which he applied euthanasia Thomas Youk, 52, suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. That was the straw that broke the camel, so he was convicted and served eight years in prison, which came out in 2008.

Kevorkian's lesson is significant, question the pedestal on which medical science has been placed, calls into question the state authority to limit freedom, and naked to religions as comprehensive institutions of autonomous beings. Kevorkian could save the video in that injected Youk, but his intention was precisely the world to see that death is not a crime, but in certain circumstances it is necessary to protect the dignity and freedom to die.

modern atavism

It is a question of overcoming the drag atavistic societies. The Western world is presented as a civilization rapidly advancing the development, using technology as its emblem and boosting trade and economic freedoms as a condition of development. But if this does not in parallel with the recognition that the principal symbol of freedom and modernity is to respect the will of man, we only have a litter without advancing civilization.

Death is a right, under certain circumstances such as in cases of terminal illness or unbearable suffering, the state must recognize and do not prevent people from achieving a dignified death. While the State and religion have legitimized on the basis of seeking the common good, today is absurd move forward without the recognition rights of minorities, among whom are people who want to stop living.

West has fought with death, the notes and approached with fear, as something always grim. Other cultures do incorporate a death in the same life cycle, recognize, prepare for it and value it as the big question is. There is nothing more natural than the birth and death, the only thing a human can be sure of is that was born and he will die, everything else is relative. Paradoxically protects the right to life, but it ignores the right to die when the two situations are the faces of the same coin. The large number of people who went to Kevorkian in the nineties, shows that if you provide a voluntary and dignified death, would be thousands who would opt for it. Alexander Sack

May 20 2010

Full Size Red Hair Actress

Internet, ICANN and Mono

For decades many expected a revolution that did not arrive or when there was ended by becoming the opposite of what he wanted. It is an interesting contradiction that a technology produced by the needs of capitalist development, has resulted in the main tool to confront the system as we know it. Given the hegemony of the conservative media and political interests related to economic, internet allows more freedom of opinion and access to information not controlled or censored.

However, there are cases that demonstrate that States are concerned about the ease of access to information that lets network. China and its army of more than fifteen thousand hackers dedicated to block web pages and identify people who access them, is a sign of things to come. There are also voices who talk about the Internet as an element of national defense of the country, which could lead to legislative proposals that substantially limit access and creation of places on the net. Cobweb

network expansion is geometric in almost all countries. If we could display the amount of fiber optic cables and wireless signals across the planet, we would see a web of crisscrossed over the entire earth's surface. Following this picture, we can realize the magnitude of the technological tool in which we are involved. Internet is present with increasing depth in the relationships we build, and therefore moved our ideas, beliefs, taboos and myths that are placed or discussed there.

is no coincidence that we find a sustained activity of extremism of all kinds in the network and attempts to present alternative information and knowledge. This leads to the traditional media to take two antagonistic positions against the network: those who seek to adapt their supply and openly provide it to users, and those who seek to establish barriers to access to information. It is expected that attempts to limit or censor access, end up being swept by a reality in which the ownership of information or knowledge is increasingly relative.

ICANN and servers

Although only just over 20% of the global population have Internet access, political influence largely relates to actions or guidelines proposed for those who no exercise their rights and freedoms, to make their living standards. And this begins to be subversive to the established order, which is not how a network address virtually autonomous, but still depends on a number of political relations, which are not known the background.

ICANN is an organization associated with the U.S. Commerce Department, which manages the licensing system of addresses, and can override the rule of a country and thereby remove it from the network, without any international law to such cases. In 2004 the domain (l) of Libya was removed from the network for days because of a dispute. Considering that the U.S. does not agree to relinquish control of the domains to the UN, as proposed in World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis in 2005, and there are thirteen mega servers to the Internet work, of which nine are in their territory, it is necessary to focus in detail the work that ICANN is exercising. Saramago


Today there is an entire parallel universe unfolded before our eyes on the screens of computers, which will be used according to their interests, abilities or limitations. This universe would be an ecstasy to the great minds of mankind if they were alive. Those who are born with the network see it as something natural, but perhaps the most unexpected way that humanity is taking place, without understanding even what this revolution means and implies for our notion of spatial, temporal and human relations.

Saramago few years ago, criticizing the limitations of the network, said a tear ever scribbling a message as it does in a letter, but such is the intensity of human relationships on the network, perhaps the word in which write not stain with tears, but it is undeniable that emotions, feelings, passions, ideas, desires, wishes, ideals, and many human conditions, have already an almost syncretic with the scope of the network. Things like that, it is necessary not only to analyze the technical and obvious, given in the use of the network, but testing on the significance of this human relationship with a product of his creation that became autonomous. And keep your eyes wide open from attempts to control the network, as it is for everyone. Alexander Sack

May 13 2010

Co2, No2, So2, H2s, Strongest

naked Saramago attacks

The murder of the pink dolphins in the Amazon shows once again the arrogance of humans over other species, which have equal or better right than we to inhabit the planet . This is because no animal species has led to the Earth to the brink of environmental collapse, which if feasible would eventually produce our continuity and other animals. Ours is a dangerous species on the planet, that although you know the magnitude of his mistakes, can not find reverse them seriously, as evidenced by the failure of the Copenhagen summit.

Not only are the pink dolphins, but a series of events that are repeated and show no such obvious similarities in practices in different countries. That is visible for example in the authorization provided by the Government of Canada to carry out the killing of about 300 000 seals a year, because their fishermen argue the same reason that those who killed the dolphins in the Peruvian jungle, that seals and dolphins do not let them do their jobs. But if you observe it in reverse, they could quietly seek to annihilate all of humanity because we have become extinct thousands of species, their life cycles arbitrarily interrupted and curtailed their freedom.

The problem is not cultural, in the sense that we Peruvians wilder than Canadians or Danes seal massacre also almost like a sport, the issue is deeper and deals directly with anthropocentrism, which is theory and practice that places the human as the center of the universe, which in all arrogance is unsurpassed. Thus, the human face and of itself has built an entire system of values \u200b\u200band relationships with nature, from which everything must serve their diverse needs and has not sought to establish a balance to maintain an acceptable relationship with the environment and other animals. Mono

naked 1967

no doubt that the human animal is more closely related to apes. Desmond Morris studied it brilliantly in his book The Naked Ape (The Naked Ape, 1967), which places the human in a dimension that seeks to separate: being analyzed from the animal condition, which is a primate without that protects hair. That perspective is urgently needed to recover, so placed in a context in which it is increasingly obvious that we rescue and interpret knowledge not only of cultures that are most sought harmony with nature, but of their own culture and animal societies.

It makes you wonder what is the animal and contradict the use made of this word, in the sense attributed to the human who commits a violent act or unworthy animal behavior, saying an animal. The truth is that animals only kill in self-defense, reacting to a cut of his liberty or by starvation. While people kill by jealousy, envy, money, power, territory, xenophobia, pleasure, love, properties, oil or even shields in the art to kill bulls. In addition, our organization not only eliminates many animals, but brings death to human beings themselves, in contrast with animal protection societies give their members. So when a man commits a brutal act which it is to identify their humanity, not his animality.

was calculated in the eighties that on average every twenty seconds directly kill a human to another, information that today must be even higher. Humans may mate more easily because in most cases does not require much effort, because the technology lets pull a trigger or a button to launch a missile. Anyway, we have automated the death of human by human and animal by humans, which leads also to find alternatives to food consumption chains in which we live.

But good is not only present our side of questionable, but to draw attention precisely because the human has been and is capable of producing from its intelligence and particular thought, action and sublime works that connect with the universe. The larger a share, the more noble, more natural is human. That ability and potential is the only positive that can be slowing down the other side of the human, that kills and destroys without hesitation, regardless of national, ethnic, cultural or social.

As Stephen Hawking said recently, we should avoid contact with aliens because they reach the planet they would to suck natural resources, which could be our own flesh. In this logic the animals and plants would be within their rights to avoid contact with humans for millennia we are dedicated to use without limit or coherence, as if we were the masters of the universe, when we are not even free to do with our lives as we like.

Detail: Morris, who is a zoologist, shrewdly explores new ways the characteristics of human nature, having noted that both anthropologists and psychiatrists and psychoanalysts, have stereotyped their observations, the former due to the study of cultures primitive, atypical and almost extinct and the second to take as the object of study specimens necessarily abnormal or failed in some respect.

Tip: Hawking's logic is simple and compelling. It is not the first time that holds the possibility of life on other planets or places in the universe, which, says the scientist, has over a hundred billion galaxies, each with hundreds of millions of stars, which are just beginning to know some planets like Earth. Alexander Sack

May 6 2010

Can I Get Into A Club With Hole In License

Health and work again

The relationship of health to work, there are two relevant fields: The access to health services via the employment status and the impact of work on health. Both areas are marked by the logic of development that states implement. Our country has not escaped the wave from the eighties has led to lower working conditions and this has influenced the two areas mentioned.

Labour and access to health services

Europe In the late nineteenth century, particularly in Germany, was designed based on which built social security systems, with tripartite participation and economic contribution: State , employers and workers. The latter thus gained access to a social protection especially in health and pensions. The influence of this model was made in the twentieth century in various countries, although the state was gradually restrict their contributions.

The current problem with this approach is that it assumes that there is a trend toward a formal labor market mainly, from which facilitates collecting contributions to provide access to health care workers. The reality of the second half of the twentieth century to the present day, proves the contrary: whenever there is a greater informality and is more difficult to capture the resources to build systems of access to health workers.

must then recognize that access to health in Peru will not give way labor formalization to generate the resources for it, so it is necessary to move towards increasing government funding, independent of personal remuneration and working conditions. EsSalud otherwise, that serves only formal workers, will continue to isolate itself from the huge labor force nationally. Thus we see that access to health services should not depend on employment status, but the status of citizen, but governments through targeting, deepen the differences parallel health systems strengthening.

Consequences of work on health

Considering we spend one third or more of our lives work, we can see the direct connection of this on our health. But not only physical issues and obvious, but in all the relations that exist within the institutions and that are related to the work environment. As in many other fields, Peru walks against the story to the protection of health.

Our rulers have no better idea to head to corporate and state responsibility, and has traveled the concept of Job Risk Working at Risk, which may sound similar but is quite different. This is because all work involves a greater or lesser risk to health, while if we choose the working definition of risk, only accepted that certain occupations are hazardous to health, which is an absurdity which is evident in that we are one of the few countries that apply this logic cropped.

What are the Risks of risk work or work?

In line with this, and distorting the universalism in the exercise of rights and freedoms, the legislator has called Complementary Insurance for Hazardous Work and government officials or insurance refer to the universalization of this as progress, when is the opposite. Firstly, because this insurance is only mandatory for a minimum layer of private sector, one in which there are "dangerous work", and therefore only would cover at best cases to a minimum proportion of workers in the country, only formal. Added to this, it should be noted that private insurance, it is clear that insurers will lower to the minimum possible coverage when damage occurs, which, as in other cases, add to the suffering and problems involved.

risks of work and its relationship to health in Peru have located an alarming rate among the highest in the world. Every day accidents and deaths occur, they become more visible in construction, generating disabilities against which the worker and his family are no viable future. But not only are accidents, but a series of situations both in formal as in informal, that create the conditions to have affected population health.

As in other fields of governmental and state work, these findings lead to hold that what it is to create conditions to reverse the pattern of targeted social protection and waste in the country is run, to move progressively but irreversibly to a logic in which the State put in front of humans. TBC

occupational disease: conditions that are performing health workers have reached levels that reflect the health crisis. While health facilities should help to heal what has been happening is that they have become sources of radiation disease. TB is now considered an occupational disease to health workers, as hundreds of them are infected with it in its various forms, being extremely resistant TB virtually incurable. Abuse

visible and invisible: you ever wondered why some of the major supermarket chains operating in the country, serving cashiers stops for hours without a chair or bench. Did you know that there are several companies engaged in agricultural exports accused of subjecting their workers to inhumane conditions prohibiting the toilet for hours and giving a few minutes for lunch and rest at work more than ten hours.

Detail: Working Supplemental Security Risk was created by Law 26790, Law for the Modernization of Social Security in Health and governed in accordance with the Standards of Supreme Decree No. 003-98 - SA from 14 April 1998, which replaces the Workers' Compensation Insurance and Occupational Diseases (SEGATEP) of Law 18,846. Alexander Sack

April 29 2010

Medela Cooler Bag Instructions

Yasuni and Aunt Mary

Ecuador is promoting the conservation initiative of the Yasuni National Park, which is basically get more revenue for the state oil retaining underground, compared to those obtained by the exploitation of oil companies from taxes. The project has had difficulties, but today with relevant offers from countries like Germany to provide about 50 million per year for the trust to be administered by UNDP.

estimated that oil exploration would Yasuni the Ecuadorian State about 350 million dollars in ten years by paying taxes, it must be reduced to mitigation and actions against any damage to the park and the Amazonian ecosystem , so that income is reduced. Ecuadorian makers of this initiative seek to overcome the amount they could obtain through taxes, but also if they succeed, the potential value of Yasuni increase and may be subject to new negotiations resulting in more revenue for Ecuador.

We see in this case and others, that the logic of the extraction of natural resources is far from absolute and there are a number of alternatives for revenue, and conserve resources and ecosystems that now for themselves and have a value for environmental balance, which can be transformed into economic value and generate income for referring them to social priorities.

In a country called Peru ...

Until that happens with our northern neighbor and receives Cochabamba representatives from around the world at the Earth Summit in Peru, the primary export model advocates do not have the slightest ability to understand natural resources now have a value when they can no longer be exploited, and ecosystems are global reservation each day will have greater bargaining power in the international arena. That is, our modern rulers and their press, they do not realize that goes against the story, as in many other subjects, are anchored to the country in outdated debates. We come

eighteen years hearing the same speech bigoted and mindless policies of integration and sustainable development. We with governments to justify and deepen a scheme of investment and resource extraction that is no different in almost nothing of what happened in past centuries. There is no novelty or creativity in the discourse and extractive action, showing some signs of compression of the magnitude of the problem as a country and world we face.

Social protests in various parts of the country in Bagua stripped nature of the model and the intention of the continuity, will be justified given and does not change the orientation while those who do not win elections but they end up ruling, decisions printed of State. It is time that Peruvians do not assume that any investment is helpful, there are cases where it is preferable and can be more productive non-exploitation of resources that the mandatory consultation of those affected is essential that the world is going towards a new paradigm of relationship with the natural power and media hide from us.

makers responsibility to keep the country in a worn and even unworkable logic is enormous. The economic and international trade with growing crisis in a row, once needs to exploit all the resources the planet still holds. Peruvian governments since 1992 have voluntarily fallen into this trap of capitalism, assuming that the only way to resource value is open or pierce the earth, to comply with minimum tax, or even think about raising taxes on the exploitation of natural resources. Abdication is not only economic, but involves stop thinking to serve pockets of others, and some Peruvians who take their slice of it.

Aunt Mary will be impractical if not start from the basics range extractive and policy related to agriculture, social expectations and the natural environment. The action of the people of Islay, Cocachacra, Bagua and elsewhere is an expression of the urgency of arriving at a different model of development. On the right, conservatism and neoliberalism, there is no idea other than the manipulation of the population by external agents and radical groups, his speech is empty, arrogant and only appeals to the money immediately and misleading figures to justify. While global and national, for several years to develop alternatives to our natural potential in a context in which climate change policy focus, allows us to produce more resources from a non-immediate. Alexander Sack

April 22 2010

Are Lightsworns Still Good 2011

INEN Cancer and the king made in Canada

Recent adverse events produced at the NIE, which have affected the health of many children, are useful to focus on what is happening to this institution and the problem of cancer in the country. Unfortunately the fate of this instance is linked to the actions of one person: Carlos Vallejos Sologuren, former Minister of Health. It is therefore appropriate to recall that a few days before the takeover of Alan Garcia in 2006 and Vallejos the insured portfolio, got Congress to adopt the rule that made the INEN in OPD, which in practice gives great autonomy in relation to the health authority.

Vallejos After that assumes the Ministry of Health and one of the first acts of his administration was to repeal the regulation of clinical trials approved under the previous government, and establishing undoubted progress in relation to these practices, such as requiring protection and adequate information to patients against possible adverse consequences of testing in their bodies. The fact behind this action is that ministry Vallejos, as seen in the register of researchers from the National Institute of Health, is one of the leading physicians who develops clinical trials in the country and directly affected by regulations. It is a conflict of interest that shows how far the influence of the pharmaceutical industry, which would be paying the same amount of money raised INEN doctors for each patient that they capture for clinical trials, mostly poor and uninformed.

Closing the Ring

But the question is not there, but Vallejos is one of the main shareholders of ONCOSALUD, the largest insurer in the country against the risk of cancer. We see that the circuit of cancer in Peru is almost closed by a physician who is director of public institute specialized in the subject, while shareholder's largest private insurer in cancer. So, how easily it is understood that after being released from MINSA, Valle returned to the address of Endocrinology almost a tube, although there are serious allegations that include blocking inquiries into his management of this institution. Vallejos

defends at the NIE saying nobody is left unattended for lack of money. But it takes nothing more than spending a morning at the intersection of Aviation and Spring Avenues, to see how poor people sell their belongings to buy drugs or get a consultation in the Clinic of Endocrinology. For in many hospitals, which are at the NIE also operates a separate clinic to hospital, some doctors make a killing picking patients for a consultation or response faster as ONCOSALUD insurance affiliates, it is not surprising either that in these circumstances , have come to establishments that provide services related to cancer in the vicinity of Endocrinology that would be linked to staff working in this institute.

From a public health view, it is unacceptable has been exerting influence a person and his close group on the care and research for a disease that affects so many Peruvians and that involves a very expensive treatment, which most are not able to pay. Therefore it is necessary to determine the direct responsibility emanating from the application of drugs which have seriously affected the health of many children this week, and also investigate the actions and achievements as ONCOSALUD insurance, which is supposed to offer comprehensive protection against cancer. In this context, it is urgent to go to unravel the networks of influence that the King of cancer remain in the country and all who are making great health business outside the law and the law.

Detail: Clinical trials are tests that a person affected by an ailment is submitted, so that your body will try a new drug. In developed countries they are completely covered and adequately protected patients, which was intended to do in Peru but Vallejos did repeal the new rules.

Tip: When a few years ago a group of people we can get Cecilia Valenzuela director of Rear Window that was broadcast on Channel 2 to receive us, and we present the complaint documented on the repeal of the regulation, it paid no importance and argued that cancer was a very sensitive issue to address that.

Tip: Off record comments that ONCOSALUD very complicated cases considered lost, would medicating with placebos to spend no expensive drugs and maximize their profits as an insurer. Alexander Sack

April 17 2010

Why Would My Iphone Stay On Silent

Seals Assurance

The Canadian government has authorized this year, the elimination of 380 000 seals, 100 000 more last year. The hunt has been launched recently and the increase of victims may be because the EU has closed this year the entry of products derived from Canadian seals, so that this country is now looking to China to export leather and focáceos derivatives.

The arguments and justifications for these genocides animals can go through economic or cultural issues, but they can not hide the fact that what prevails for these acts to be given is the pride of man who assumes that owns the planet. It is certainly an act of human convenience product compared to the other inhabitants of the planet as if it were really damage, animals and plants would the full right to eliminate us once and for all of the Earth.

While the seal reflects the standing of brutal violence towards other human species, in the background is the evidence of what has been happening for thousands of years ago, when man begins to use his intelligence for various purposes. Intelligence that has allowed unquestionable achievements in various fields of endeavor, but it also leads to aberrations that must at least try to correct.

This is because today as never before in our brief passage through the planet, we have produced the impairment to the health of the Earth, which persist in the current pollution and energy use, the viability of the space humans and the planet is severely questioned. The planet will not resist much longer the consumer barrage we have impregnated on it, so the climate change deniers seek to hide the truth. As in other cases, humans are characterized not only by destroying nature or society, but above it encourages myths and denials built with the assistance of agents in all possible spaces.

massacres, genocides, invasions, oppression and other human actions on humans, but are aberrant, at least give, saving the difference in power and equipment, among equals. On the contrary, in relation to other species of animal or vegetable planet, the human acts as if he had an enemy in front, where none of these spaces has never or will endanger, rather we are the infinite potential benefit to all planetary species live or inert.

why reactions to cases such as Canadian seals are not sentimentality, but rather the need for a paradigm shift. Today we are at a key moment in the consumer and extractive paradigm has reached its limit, and a new paradigm are born with difficulty and even contaminated by ideologies that never cared about the relationship with the planet and now if they do.

addition it reflects Canadian humans and nations are no better one or the other whether poor or prosperous. Canada is one of the countries with more robust social protection system in every way and that politically and socially is an example of respect for difference, public consultation and construction of bases on common interests. But as noted, humans have built an altar from which condemns the space being judge and jury, is Canadian, Chinese, Italian, South Africa or Peru.

When we reached the point of questioning our continuity as a species on the planet, some now move their prejudices and intentions of controlling the microscopic level and put all their energy and resources to show that the union of egg and sperm is sacred, and there played the fate of mankind. But surely these same people have no qualms in continuing the extractive model and extinguishment we know. Perhaps

seals cause more anger and grief because they have a friendly face, good-natured gesture, and the irons that humans use to irrigate their skulls burst red blood on polar snow. But this cruel action is repeated every second in every corner of the planet, so it is no coincidence that the rate of disappearance of animal and plant species is growing. There is no other way for humanity to subsist, that a change of consciousness that leads above all to down from the altar to human altar that has been uploaded by and of itself, arrogant and arbitrary. Alexander Sack

April 11, 2010

How To Sneak An Ipod Into School

universal? Russia and terrorism

On 2 April, nearly a year after the establishment of a framework law on universal health insurance (AUS), was published the rules of the standard features some aspects that need clarification or redirected. Before bringing these observations, it is necessary to know the AUS although that has been touted as automatic for all Peruvians, it applies only in pilot areas: Ayacucho, Huancavelica and Apurimac, and five geographical areas including Pachacutec in Window.

Less coverage in the SIS and EsSalud? Today

SIS members to receive care contained in the Prioritized List of Health Interventions (LPIS) in force since 2007, after the implementation of AUS members to receive the attention it via the SIS but are contained in Essential Plan Health Insurance (PEAS). The problem is that the PEAS covers a single layer of care in cases such as breast cancer and cervical cancer only comes to diagnosis LPIS while covering a single layer but also a complex care, including renal transplantation be the case.

What can explain this is you want to submit the AUS as progress in relation to health coverage, but this assumption is based on serving a single layer and leave aside the complex care are more expensive. The concern is evident, since in the pilot areas and regions AUS, citizens who were formerly members of the SIS, to move to AUS pederían the right acquired more complex, which is a setback.

The other disturbing aspect that could be given, refers to the rules of the law leaves open the possibility that EsSalud can choose from now but by affiliating with PEAS, pack quite limited compared to the comprehensive coverage EsSalud at least in the theory provides. The concern arises because given the logic that has been driving EsSalud, in which the priority is to have more income to showcase new hospitals without necessarily raising the quality of care, management may opt to apply the AUS and provide the Peas, as it costs much less than comprehensive care. This could deepen differences in health and set a harmful precedent EsSalud down.

Where is the problem

After a year of rule of law in AUS, it becomes clear that it does not address the substantive issues in achieving the right to health: Does not have sustainable funding, but depends on the will of the MEF, which as we see health as an expense and not as an investment, not promote the integration of healthcare providers to maintain the fragmentation in which the health bureaucracy and duplication of effort, does not aim to recover MISNA stewardship that should be on healthcare providers, maintaining a state of affairs in which each provider does what is best, as evidenced by the mafias of organ transplants that are involved in several clinics and the expansion of Hospitals of Solidarity with no possibility of control over them, does not contain a bid to improve conditions for health workers. It is therefore

becomes clear that more good will with MOH authorities to expand access to health, the problem is more complex and deals with two key aspects. One is the logic from which the State assumes its responsibility towards society: AUS SIS and reflect a logic of social welfare protection, remaining focused and in which the state is to provide a subsidy to the excludes market, and thus evade its responsibility to society as a whole. The other bit as visible aspect has to do with the interests that are behind the lack of progress towards a truly universal reform and integrity in health, as this would directly affect the pharmaceutical industry and insurance companies or foreign nationals who do not provide comprehensive care package in which the insured must always take a share of attention.

If not successful public health logic and continue giving priority to market interests, will be very little we can do to bring health to Peruvian society. The state should not be satisfied with a universal insurance in the paper and the advertising looks good and creates expectations among the population, governments should assume that any process of development is achieved on the basis of a health system that is incapable response to the real demands of health, health is not a market order as if it is a TV, watch, clothing. That is the theme and for this we must reverse a process that takes years to leave building.

Detail: Since the formation of SIS was created Intangible Solidarity Fund for Health (FISSAL) to refer to it the attention of high cost or very complex. The reality is that the FISSAL is bankrupt and has survived these years only with a grant from the SUNARP of unos3.5 million soles, so that their officials should be devoted to seeking support from corporations or other state institutions . This reflects that the State sees health as a matter of charity rather than rights. Alexandro

10 April 2010

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Saturday, June 5, 2010

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Chechnya is a nation that is trying to be submitted by Russia for centuries. Have only been brief and broken truces in this story that perhaps has its iconic landmark in the deportation of more than half a million Chechens to Siberia by Stalin in 1944, accusing them of collaboration with the German troops. But the situations that have to bear these people respond to Russian imperialism, once the czars, then with the Soviets and now with a semblance of democracy, continue to make feasible an agreement with Chechnya.

If we consider terrorism to the military actions that are committed to create panic among civilians and so advance political objectives, it is true that different nations and groups will have been practicing for several reasons. But the perspective is skewed if this analysis is not incorporated in terrorist violence by states, that having international political legitimacy, presenting their actions in response to the infinite evil of certain groups, especially Muslims. The reality is that terrorist acts are perpetrated more often by states rather than by the rebels or resistant.

Recent attacks on Russian civilians undertaken by the Chechen resistance, as any act that is directed against civilians away from immediate responsibilities, is reprehensible, but this should not lead happily lose sight of what is happening in different latitudes, where a long or recently translated imperialism because of the state, is through to act more reprehensible than it tries to control. So when we talk about terrorism, it is essential to contextualize the events, because they are the tip of an iceberg that official data intentionally hidden.

Russia is a democracy, is marked by an authoritarian and monarchical line that for centuries has spread the good or bad throughout its area of \u200b\u200binfluence. The Caucasus, the ancestral home of the Chechens and other peoples, has been and will be coveted by the Russian Empire, which but no longer has czars or supreme soviets, has now Putin, former KGB chief and heir to the political dynasty, suspected of the crime of Polikovskaya journalist in 2006. It is no coincidence that his second, Russian President Dmitri Medvedev has said that it is necessary to stab and twist the head to the perpetrators of the attacks (Umarov, the 'emir' of the Caucasus, the country April 1, 2010).

oppression So we see that in many cases leads to ultra-violent reactions, and that there are acts that appear out of nowhere, but are the result of a long process of confrontation and a recent history in the nineties Chechnya , then the breakup of the Soviet Union, sought their independence by refusing to sign the statute promoted by Russia, which set a number of powers to the republics, but always under the tutelage of the Russian central government. The Chechens were invaded, resulting in two wars and massacres that took the lives of hundreds of thousands of locals and thousands of Russians, then no stable peace and negotiations finally accepted by Russia resulted in viable agreements.

Putin chooses to place this achievement, which comes from centuries ago, in the context of the global war against Muslim terrorism, which in Western eyes give him standing to act against those who want to impose a global caliphate, when reality is that before that several Islamic countries they are looking for the invaders to withdraw from their territories and stop control its resources. So before you formalize that referred to global war, which it is questionable from the ground, so no compression approach Manichean reality. The opposite is to justify atrocities such as occupation of Iraq, which has produced more than a million dead.

A key difference of terrorism. Some are those born into a society with the aim of destroying it because in his view all the successful organization is the source of the oppression of more for less, usually this is from a perspective political-intellectual disability and abject fundamentalism that only deepens the differences. Others are those that arise as a result of blatant injustices such as occupation, conquest and plunder of wealth nations have and are coveted, but the conquerors, always good, also drink from the source of fundamentalism that takes such actions as necessary and even saviors of mankind. Then look at how and why the violence in order to generate a closer look at what the powers that be intended to see how a simple war between good and evil. Alexandro

2 April 2010