Saturday, September 11, 2010

Does Xepisodes Work On Iphone?

Armando Robles Godoy

As if it were one of his stories, Armando Robles Godoy are leaving the planet in the way he least wanted. So many times we heard in interviews or read in the papers, hoping that the final hour as it comes more naturally, without the anguish or suffering from a tired body. Particularly in conversations with Marco Aurelio Denegri in the late Cultural Magic Cable, said the idea of \u200b\u200bpreparing for the only thing that a human can be certain: that one day die. It is also ironic that someone like him illustrious, full of expressions in many sublime chaos, has been hit by the vulgarity of the transit of Lima.

After reading every Sunday on its Web The mysterious language of the Sunday in El Comercio, absurdly removed several years ago, encouraged me to call the phone number contained in the guide, to request an interview in Civilization (I drove in Program Radio San Borja for several years). The old Robles, knowing he would call at seven in the morning, I said best for him, as I answer lay in his bed. And so, three times agreed to talk and pass on intelligence about religion, literature, sexuality. I really felt fortunate to be able to talk more than twenty minutes at each occasion and the audience imagine they have been delighted with his voice and ideas. Breaking


The first images of ARG for many of our generation back to the interview he did Bayli in the early nineties, in which he spoke perhaps for the first time in Peruvian TV about the merits of masturbation, but from the knowledge and not from the abject that we now have on the screens. Some must also have followed her TV every Saturday from 7:00 to 20:00 between 2000 and 2001 at the dawn of Canal N, on the set of people marched Robles as interesting as Joseph Adolph, Leopoldo Chiappo, Mariano Querol, Marco Aurelio Denegri, Eduardo Gonzalez Viana, among many others.

The point is that now this man ochentaisiete years, one of the most creative and brilliant Peruvians we've had off in the bed of Hospital Employee, not having the right to timely health care, but by presidential grace as in the days of kings, should direct their officials meet the artist. An irony to that almost human was certainly the first to use in our environment by way of market fundamentalism to refer to any construction practical consequences ideology disguised in a speech of freedom, all it does is to enlarge and protect the pocket of employers grupete manipualdores .

In a hospital bed

And is that one consequence of that market fundamentalism (irrational and extreme as any fundamentalism) is that an elderly man in Peru does not have the right / freedom to their health needs fully guaranteed. In good time ARG is a person recognized, but few other every day have to deal with the consequences market fundamentalism ARG stripped a thousand times (maybe because it took the page of El Comercio). Could not be otherwise in someone who did art works from different sublime clarity of thought inevitably leads to recognize the constraints and false statements that we must move now.

ARG and God

about God and religion, said he opted for none and none, as all the gods seemed to be too sympathetic to choose one of them. Maybe it's true what they say ARG, the problem comes later when morally precarious human beings are assumed to be spokesmen for the gods on Earth and from its fears, constraints, complex and political interests, manage to manipulate people and the State itself. Hence, perhaps, chose to dig up his father, Daniel Alomia Robles, to take to the beat of The condor passes to his native Huánuco, from where he came to New York to marry a Cuban and have ten children, including Armando.

They shall be his gray hair, her ponytail, her colonial adventure in the jungle, movies, books, and his voice and likeness in so many places to spread its lucidity. There will then be read, see and hear in more detail to further unravel its enormous contribution to thought, no academics and organized, but constant and deep. Within art is to express so many facets and clarity is retained until the end of life. If the outcome is inevitable and only the machines and drugs that apply life-support would be nice to think that all the other causes championed: the right to die in the best way possible. Avanza Armando Robles Godoy, surely we will be somewhere in the Cosmos. Alexander Sack


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