Saturday, September 11, 2010

Can A Mouth Infection Raise Your Blood Pressure

poisoned milk and Cipriani (The Crow)

It is no unknown
the influence of more conservative sector of the Catholic Church in Peru, represented by the Opus Dei and a series of even more radical groups in their positions towards various topics. One of the reasons the country is a key area of \u200b\u200bconflict within the church itself, is a Peruvian promoted liberation theology, which placed the church in a more close to what its founders sought included Jesus himself.

Unfortunately, hegemony inside Catholicism has moved away from the basic principles stemmed from the involvement and advocacy to the poor. History shows that the church has generally sided with a number of cases in partnership with states that have imposed war, and has even promote itself bloody invasions and the Crusades, to say nothing of what happened in the American conquest or the Inquisition.

This should not ignore the fact that inside there are different wings, some closer to the original principles, others filled with the ambition to exercise power. And that is natural, since the distinction between state and church is a process that has been occurring in recent centuries and that in societies like ours does not finish materialize, as evidenced by the commitments laws that Peru has with the Catholic Church in overt discrimination of other religions. The construction of the secular state is a constant that some politicians are selfishly as an attack on Catholicism.

different Affairs

is understandable that the Catholic Church intends to continue to influence policy openly. It is the rule that more years of life has on the Earth while direct deliberation on the fate of societies has decreased, still retains a vertical structure in which a king or pope rules, and setting out its decisions entirely outside their membership. If the Catholic representation was submitted to the choice of the faithful, in fact, the hierarchy would not be the same in Peru or elsewhere. But eventually the church organization is an internal matter of this and she will see how it can solve.

For this reason, the organization and decisions outside the church are separate issues of religious beliefs. Just as people not affiliated to any church and even those belonging to them can not decide how to share power in the hierarchy, the churches should not influence decisions and public policy guidelines of a country. Is an elementary question, states are responsible for ensuring social welfare measures and activities objective, while the churches base their work as there may be more subjective: faith. That faith the State respects and protects, but yours should not under any circumstances. Neo

cross is no coincidence the influence of ultraconservative groups in Peru and in other societies. They are now developing a strategy very well prepared, to embed their members in key agencies such as ministries, media, big business. This is a collective response to the challenges of today's world, so that the very Catholic fundamentalist discourse now is of broader categories creating ambiguities as the defense of life, regarding sexuality. Many of the most radical Catholic groups called Provida. It is a clever name, because promoting life in principle is a valid cause.

But what actually happens is that this discourse seeks to maintain the State seized on issues that have to do with one of the last areas of social control: the human body and the decisions on it. If we can control the play and the exercise of pleasure, you can handle a very important social aspect. This will better understand the Byzantine debate over the abortive nature of the AOE or not: not discussed whether a group of cells are a human being or not, but through this control over freedoms human.

Freud, and Cipriani Bayli

In this context, the discussion between Bayli and Cipriani, is a media show only, but covers key aspects of the aspiration to achieve a state that grants its members an equal chance of being what want to be. Sigmund Freud and explained it better than anyone in his book The Future of an Illusion: religion is mounted on the oceanic feeling, that makes the human being delivered from things that will not understand the immense ocean (faith, belief) covers everything, the ocean in its magnitude is able to explain and answer all, because the human will accept that answer. But Freud points out, that while the majority of humanity holds the religious sentiment, there is another group of humans who do not harbor such feelings and can be equally well-beings. Religion is perhaps a way to look good, but not unique. Alexander Sack


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