Saturday, September 11, 2010

Design Your Own Bmx On The Laptop

Avanza Poverty and Peruvian model

One of the foundations on which rests the success of the Peruvian model of course, is the steady reduction of poverty (meaning monetary poverty), which occurs when a person perceives higher incomes to 229 soles a month. According to this measurement in Peru would have a 34% poor. But this view contrasts necessarily required. The first is to establish its limitation to reality, since a person can earn more than the 229 soles a month, but lack of potable water, electricity, housing, health protection, calories needed per day, adequate clothing, access the pension system, and obviously that person has established itself as incomes above poverty line, will remain poor in a context of human development.

Carolina Trivelli (The Faces of Poverty, OXFAM report on Peru 2009 - 2010) states: "there may be poorer of those identified as such with this method? Yes Clearly this is apparent when one examines the situation of non-poor who are near the poverty line (but above). 20% of them are living virtually identical to those below the line. " In simple, a good proportion of the non-poor in practice is still poor. This is obvious, as having an income of 229 a month is no different in almost anything to have an income of 240, 250, 300, 350 or 400 soles. The costs of basic needs beyond these paltry amounts.

Beyond the village

In Mexico, for example, the new Social Development Law requires the CONEVAL (INEI Mexican) to include in their measurements not only monetary income, but factors such as lack of education, access to health services and social security, housing quality and basic services, feeding opportunities in families and degree of social cohesion. With this new measure is that more than 64% of Mexicans are poor. If you incorporate in the measurement variables as substantial as these, we would get a much truer measure of our poverty measure from the monetary income is a contradiction that prevents real combat situation, and that given its narrow focus means that governments are satisfied with the alleged neglect reduction and pending reforms.

These measurements are explained if we look at the larger context. Exist in the Peruvian growth process a number of issues unresolved that support the logic of the market above the freedoms / rights. The cases of gas, telephony, financial system and medicines, exemplify how the state is unable to place the collective interest above other interests, and so we can identify a number of situations in which citizens are helpless address business tactics in the logic of a supposed free market conditions imposed in other countries are unacceptable. In Peru there is no free market model, but a situation resulting from an unlimited opening of the large investment, without at least outlined a comprehensive development strategy.

why the Peruvian growth model consistently generates conflicts and disagreements nonsense. Such is the limitation of the current model, it is not a clash between liberalism and socialism, but at least consistency in raising issues that go through the lives of everyone, not just those who are hooked on growth. Therefore it is necessary to notice the new relationships that are being consolidated, such as those described by Francis Durand (A state in retreat, in OXFAM Peru Report 2009 - 2010): "This causes a greater fusion between financial and productive capitalism, and in turn, raises the levels of cohesion of the small elite of managers and owners who commands the economy" (where BCP / Alicorp, including al.)


weight is not to deny that in recent years have seen significant changes, but noted that they are seen in isolation without being able to materialize a common horizon, despite the official discourse. The rates of violence and rising crime and drug trafficking network ever more solid and the inability to reduce corruption are samples gaps in our policies.

We were so used to manage the poverty that now that we have resources previously unimaginable (a GDP nearly 10 times in 10 years), we are struggling to overcome the logic of targeting to achieve universal, which is the only way to unite society. It also involves recognizing that there is a conflict between the market and freedoms / rights. Progress in measuring our success on a more close to reality to allow for a clear picture of outstanding issues, and do not present us with a paltry income as overcoming poverty and the Road to El Dorado. Alexander Sack


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