Friday, March 26, 2010

Additional Liability Avis

Ernesto Guevara, Che, was murdered at age 39, has become an icon of our times.

His image, his work and thought today have overwhelming force.

The key to unravel throughout the film is its intimacy, their ongoing formation, coherence, studying and thinking in the service of action and construction of a new world, his particular poetic view of reality.

The narrative is held primarily on the climate generated by the evocation of memory, it is present in fragments of memory that will develop certain events or moments from the intimate and subjective view of Ernesto Guevara from his writings , his recordings and literary narratives, archival images of the time he lived and the contrast with today, with a world marked by violence and inequality.

After more than ten years of research and study of his writings, we restore fundamental mythical image of Che from a new perspective, from the depth of his thought, a dimension that redefines their public actions and shows the greatness of his behavior.


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