Sunday, July 25, 2010

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Every age creates its scapegoats, now one of these goats is cannabis. A plant like any other, that produces a fruit that humans since time immemorial used for recreation and relaxation, in certain cultures it is considered a sacred fruit. Cannabis is consumed without there being any industrial process of the earth to the body, that distinguishes it from other licit or illicit substances require chemical or industrial processes that denature. Its effects do not affect social peace, but can encourage, because as Antonio Escohotado describes in his book Learning from drugs, cannabis leads to a slight alteration of the senses that depending on the state of mind can motivate, encourage reflection and to see things from an angle more friendly and cheerful.

The Lancet, was published in 2009 article Adverse health eff ects of non-medical cannabis use, which outlines dozens of epidemiological studies. None achieved attributed to the continued use of cannabis damage to human health, even in children born to women consuming. What I see is that under its effects can be produced more traffic accidents or other actions that require concentration. Researchers try to associate the consequences of cannabis use due to other diseases such as cancer lung, but once the study contrasts the relationship dissolves. Has never been a death from cannabis.

Freedom and war

Cannabis use is a matter of freedom. There is no solid reason that supports prevent adults in a democratic society are criminalized by the use of a plant. The responsible use of cannabis is a power of every human freedom. In fact there are key moments in the development of the personality that must have adequate information on substances and situations that young people find that's why states should strengthen the education and health promotion. The law must be used to combat crime and mafias of all kinds, not to persecute people who choose to use a joint, the problem is not the substance, but the person and their personality more or less addictive.

The so-called war on drugs has failed worldwide. We have almost half a century living with the fantasy that drugs will be finished with repressive policies, but in the same period, consumption has slowed. Moreover, the war has allowed consolidation of the drug and thus open fronts of violence at various points, with Mexico as the prime example of this monumental failure that some NGOs in Peru defend. Already expressed in some way the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy formed among others by Cardoso, Vargas Llosa, Mockus, Coehlo, Krause, Gaviria, Naim, noting that we should move towards normalization of the consumption of certain drugs. In the case of cannabis include full normalization, as occurred this week in California, allowing up to two square feet per user culture.

There will never be a world without drugs, because they accompany the human being from its inception. Reality and everyday life are limiting, so the human searches for channels that allow you to distraction, to achieve different feelings than usual. Hundreds or thousands of millions of people use alcohol for this, and encourage states themselves creating such consumption On Pisco, what would happen if someone proposed the day of cannabis. The contradiction is clear, given that alcohol punishes proven health and is perhaps the main source of family problems.

Opening the door

The normalization of cannabis is the gateway to go bogey favors removing the drug dealers and a number of agents living raising fear, under the pretext that the drugs are to blame for social ills . Standardize the cannabis demonstrate that you can live and be smart with a substance use at least one hundred fifty million people worldwide. The formulas for this are raised long ago, but Myths continue to operate and be funded, creating a vicious circle.

Roads to Freedom, which are the basis of a civilized society, are blocked at certain times. It is increasingly clear that to reduce the violence that produced the war on drugs, we need to introduce rationality in the debate that the responsible human choose to use substances that nature provides. Demystifying cannabis allow a key moment in the development of our societies. There is no real war on drugs, but mafias locked at all levels that this myth still earn more money. That money could pay taxes and serve to raise living standards. Every war simply hides an interest, while the responsibility is part of growing civilization. Alexander Sack

22 July 2010


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