Sunday, July 25, 2010

Nike Baseball Forearm Bands

Every age creates its scapegoats, now one of these goats is cannabis. A plant like any other, that produces a fruit that humans since time immemorial used for recreation and relaxation, in certain cultures it is considered a sacred fruit. Cannabis is consumed without there being any industrial process of the earth to the body, that distinguishes it from other licit or illicit substances require chemical or industrial processes that denature. Its effects do not affect social peace, but can encourage, because as Antonio Escohotado describes in his book Learning from drugs, cannabis leads to a slight alteration of the senses that depending on the state of mind can motivate, encourage reflection and to see things from an angle more friendly and cheerful.

The Lancet, was published in 2009 article Adverse health eff ects of non-medical cannabis use, which outlines dozens of epidemiological studies. None achieved attributed to the continued use of cannabis damage to human health, even in children born to women consuming. What I see is that under its effects can be produced more traffic accidents or other actions that require concentration. Researchers try to associate the consequences of cannabis use due to other diseases such as cancer lung, but once the study contrasts the relationship dissolves. Has never been a death from cannabis.

Freedom and war

Cannabis use is a matter of freedom. There is no solid reason that supports prevent adults in a democratic society are criminalized by the use of a plant. The responsible use of cannabis is a power of every human freedom. In fact there are key moments in the development of the personality that must have adequate information on substances and situations that young people find that's why states should strengthen the education and health promotion. The law must be used to combat crime and mafias of all kinds, not to persecute people who choose to use a joint, the problem is not the substance, but the person and their personality more or less addictive.

The so-called war on drugs has failed worldwide. We have almost half a century living with the fantasy that drugs will be finished with repressive policies, but in the same period, consumption has slowed. Moreover, the war has allowed consolidation of the drug and thus open fronts of violence at various points, with Mexico as the prime example of this monumental failure that some NGOs in Peru defend. Already expressed in some way the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy formed among others by Cardoso, Vargas Llosa, Mockus, Coehlo, Krause, Gaviria, Naim, noting that we should move towards normalization of the consumption of certain drugs. In the case of cannabis include full normalization, as occurred this week in California, allowing up to two square feet per user culture.

There will never be a world without drugs, because they accompany the human being from its inception. Reality and everyday life are limiting, so the human searches for channels that allow you to distraction, to achieve different feelings than usual. Hundreds or thousands of millions of people use alcohol for this, and encourage states themselves creating such consumption On Pisco, what would happen if someone proposed the day of cannabis. The contradiction is clear, given that alcohol punishes proven health and is perhaps the main source of family problems.

Opening the door

The normalization of cannabis is the gateway to go bogey favors removing the drug dealers and a number of agents living raising fear, under the pretext that the drugs are to blame for social ills . Standardize the cannabis demonstrate that you can live and be smart with a substance use at least one hundred fifty million people worldwide. The formulas for this are raised long ago, but Myths continue to operate and be funded, creating a vicious circle.

Roads to Freedom, which are the basis of a civilized society, are blocked at certain times. It is increasingly clear that to reduce the violence that produced the war on drugs, we need to introduce rationality in the debate that the responsible human choose to use substances that nature provides. Demystifying cannabis allow a key moment in the development of our societies. There is no real war on drugs, but mafias locked at all levels that this myth still earn more money. That money could pay taxes and serve to raise living standards. Every war simply hides an interest, while the responsibility is part of growing civilization. Alexander Sack

22 July 2010

Molly Is Pooping Black

AUS Cannabis and freedom, limits and contradictions

The government has re-launched the universal health insurance (AUS). It is timely to remember that AUS law was enacted in April 2009 but its implementation has been delayed by the refusal of the Ministry of Economy (MEF) to allocate resources. Despite this, the MOH launched the attentions of the AUS in Huancavelica, Apurimac, Ayacucho and Window in Callao, but have no funding what has happened is that the debt of the SIS to health facilities has increased. Ie hospitals, the decision by the Ministry of Health, have begun to provide care of the unfunded AUS.

Now the government has pledged 78 million soles, which must be added to the 420 million that the SIS budget to meet the new demand generated in Huancavelica, Apurimac, Ayacucho and twenty districts of Lima. Taking into account that those 420 million SIS provides your care package (LPIS) to about 8 million members, and that they will be adding about 4 million, which in practice is given a lower funding . Increases the number of members by 50%, but the budget only by 18%. What happens is that he is putting more water the broth.

more water to broth

If we add that, even before the SIS AUS funding was inadequate and high cost diseases can not be covered, we think that behind this launch in Lima there is an intention García policy to incorporate in his last speech this flag. On the other hand, you can not achieve a timely and quality care if they do not attack the gaps in the health system and poor infrastructure in disrepair, lack of personnel, finance unsustainable, poor equipment, medicines unsecured arrears .

The Government notes that these shortcomings will be overcome because EsSalud, healings and armed police and private clinics to provide care under the AUS. What I forgot to mention that the MOH is desired functional integration has been discussing and looking for thirty years without being able to achieve. There is no guarantee that today will be so only because it says Garcia, the inertia of the fragmented health is stronger than any stump speech. On the other hand, the costs of care in the MOH are not the same as in EsSalud or in private, so in the immediate is highly unlikely to be able to choose between health care providers. Another

contradictions AUS release is that the SIS must now finance two packages of care. The LPIS for members of the SIS in areas without AUS, and Essential Plan Health Insurance (PEAS) for members in areas of the AUS, which will generate administrative complications. But something more serious: LPIS provided care to more complex needs (renal failure, kidney transplant), while the privileges PEAS single layer of care, and more complex cases only goes up to the diagnosis (cancer of the cervix and breast). Taking into account that the fund for serious diseases (FISSAL) is underfunded and officials living passing the hat to big companies for donations, it is clear that there is no with a defined north. Buying health

happens that consolidates a limited perspective of health, strengthening insurance for the poor. Join to achieve this because the person has to prove to be poor. That is, the state does not recognize the right to health care for the status of citizen, but by poverty status, we also consider that the care packages for the poor do not cover the entirety of the attention, but a fraction. Meanwhile, others will have comprehensive care (EsSalud in theory should provide), and others who have neither the SIS nor EsSalud, must purchase their health in the market. Thus the argument is meritorious that the AUS is a shortcut to the privatization via insurance companies, which are free to operate the field through the institutions Health Fund Administrators (IAFAS) that the law creates AUS.

What the country needs to define the model of access to health, and that means a national debate, because the health implications have an impact on almost all other sectors of the country. Or are we going to differentiate between poor and nonpoor, or use the health system to equalize rights and freedoms. The argument of the shortage of health resources is a myth, the MEF turned over a check for $ 50 million for the H1N1 vaccine in the blink of an eye, because that was a large laboratory with that amount could certainly slow the 7 000 deaths of children who fail a year of life and the hundreds that comes every winter cold. It's a matter of knowing where to steer the boat and not get carried away by the immediacy.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Australia Aboriginal Tits

.. see videos. BIG AIR

7....6...5... from 3rd REEF PRODUCTIONS on Vimeo .

4....... transmitting!!!

Now we're back with new material! 2010 clips! pedasi / Tonosi /la vanessa/lagartPoint/PRESIDENTIAL/pacific bluff/LA BRUJA.

cameraman> Nina Urena

Quique Cedeno

Jose Dimas
Varcasia Tosoni


MUSIC> Gustavo Cerati / and let love.

edit by: AD/3rd reefproductions / vimeo.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

2002 Jetta Rear Lights

SASHA BIG AIR IN COSTA RICA from radomiselskaya sasha on Vimeo .

big air in the hole. Costa Rica.

Rider: Alexander Salazar from Panama. (Sasha).

filmmed by alejandro arosemena and the gold juan carlos of Puntarenas.

presented by


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Orion Vcr Recording Directions

EsSalud and the stock market now

Apparently it is true that spending millions of suns EsSalud the insured to play in the Bolsa de Valores de Lima (BVL). No officer of the company has denied the Congressman Garcia Belaunde, besides this issue had already been talking about for quite some time.

EsSalud What could be argued to justify the use of money insured in this way?

The only argument would be visible on the LSE the money can be increased much more than otherwise and that would benefit the insured. But that view is untenable for several reasons:

These decisions have been taken almost in secret, without any assured knowing that their money was placed in the BVL (García Belaunde has been said that Essalud has lost 50 million soles);

stock games have huge risks, the money earmarked for social protection in health can be lost due to certain financial and stock market speculation;

Allocate million soles of social security to the BVL is itself nonsense, as opposed to the original purpose of EsSalud, because win or lose, which in the end it does is give money, even temporarily, speculators and financial investors (not an exaggeration to think that our money could be serving for reasons contrary to freedom and the right);

The issue is not that you can get more revenue in the LSE, but is unacceptable to risk the money that workers and employers give to an organization whose work is social security health and not the financial game. Consolidate

EsSalud early

On several occasions I have found evidence of people and families with EsSalud grateful for saving the lives of their families or provide treatments that would otherwise be unviable. It is true, despite all its limitations, there is an effort EsSalud reflected in a proportion of their workers, which makes comprehensive care to the insured is entitled to be effective for some (according to National Health Accounts in 35 only % of the insured does care when required). The question is why not all Peruvians have that same opportunity to obtain health care as a right and be more free in relation to contingencies?

means that the insured EsSalud have that right because they contribute to the solidarity fund, according to this reasoning, it is clear the labor formalization which discards a contribution to social security in health, not be possible in the country, nor in any country today that that is the foundation of the universality and comprehensiveness of health care or social security in general. Given this finding, trimmed to poor health grant from the logic of targeting scarce resources is a narrow, more appropriate would be to build a system to reduce the differences between Peru, seeking to raise funding and expand access to health, to that everyone at some point we have what we EsSalud in theory and in practice must provide: universality and comprehensiveness.

Those who are committed to maintaining the status quo in health create paranoia among the insured, in the sense of holding that if you choose to go towards the creation of a National Health System, will be an "invasion" of all poor not contribute to the financial apparatus / social benefits of EsSalud, or that there is a danger that the contributions will be diluted as the creation of a common fund for health would reduce their rights. First it is necessary to establish that it is inevitable the need to establish a National Health System, but not on the basis of the unification of the providers, but an approach to ordering medical chaos that exists today, where the various legitimate interests hidden and act according to their immediate convenience, which leads to the exclusion of most Peruvians the possibility of a right to health.

state responsibility and fiscal support

On the other hand it is necessary to overcome the view that only those that provide the return from work to have a formal job are the ones who build funds for their health care, all absolutely all Peruvians pay taxes direct or indirect depending on your activity or position, either because of income or indirectly by acquiring the majority of public goods or services from the VAT. That is, no less appropriate than the distinction among Peruvians with access to health and those without access to health, from a logic of immediate contribution.

In any case, there is a financial gap that prevents EsSalud uninsured access to all necessary services, to be responsible for closing is on the State at all levels, not the uninsured population, this leads to establish the need for a higher tax and substantial contribution to match the conditions of Peruvians from access to health, and also explore the possibility of contributions from organized groups that choose to do so, with the horizon to provide all the same regardless of its direct contribution.

EsSalud What makes money by placing all insured on the LSE, is a product of non-existence of a system capable of producing order and orientation of health actors. If we know that one of the key problems is access to health care financing, and one of the main administrators of health financing can escape all control and spend the game in the bag (and other businesses and potentially lose millions in it) huge amounts of money, it is obvious that something needs to be ordered and regulated. EsSalud, given its importance, can not behave like an island amid a sea of \u200b\u200bhealth needs, on the contrary, the issue is to seek an order from a systemic approach that would put at the service of all people what can be useful, with the corresponding state responsibility to address the financial gap and other gross today.

Understanding the need for a National Health System

The nature of a National Health System in Peru today, would not be based on the total unification of providers or the nationalization of these, what must be understood when speaking of a National Health System, is above all the establishment without restrictions of state responsibility versus the health needs of the population, since that responsibility for establishing consistent and concerted measures to unify the aspirations of people against their right to health.

This construction can explore the alternative set in the Unified Health System in Brazil, which despite the name, which has made the state is not nationalize or providers to unify, but to establish the rules and conditions for the state to cover the services people receive in public providers, private, mixed, NGOs or others, to achieve this was due to move from the logic of direct contribution as a source of law to the public logic of increased progressive tax contribution equal to everyone the right to receive health care. This can be useful in the country, as EsSalud enjoys constitutional protection that gives autonomy and seconded to the Ministry of Labour and not the health, that created a constitutional shield to protect the funds secured from misuse by the government in power does not apply if the logic is to build a health system universal and comprehensive. Just because

EsSalud principles must be preserved is necessary to correct the distortions that have been evolving as the money put on the LSE, or operations are producing lightning Public Private Partnerships (PPP) without which there is a debate respect, neither is taken into account the voice of the insured that there are millions in the country. EsSalud has not shown beyond unacceptable advertising spending that fills the print media and broadcast, that his supposed modernization, marked by some as privatization via PPP, is really appropriate now that the country needs to define the model logic and apply health to achieve universal and integrality health claims, and thus social development for the exercise of freedoms and capabilities.

persist in fragmentation, enhanced by the interest, in which each provider seeking their own benefits and people differ in their ability to pay or not, causes the state now only responsible for the health care of those who demonstrate their poverty from packages limited and never integral. Although the government and many political parties have promoted the universal health insurance, the resources needed to implement it are not allocated by the Ministry of Economy generating conflicts MINSA / MEF - Ministry of Health / DIRESAS. It is time then to not go to the accessory, but the substance, which exceeds the figures, statistics and the insured. Alexander Sack

June 28 2010